February - Battle

Jan 29, 2008 12:45

When I was in seventh grade, I had to have my appendix taken out. Most people can go through their entire lives with the dumb organ still lodged inside their body, but not me. The thing hurt like a bitch and they said just a few more hours and the thing might have burst. Who knows what would have happened then, right? They say a person can die if their appendix actually does burst. Lucky for me we caught it in time, right?

Since then I'd never stayed overnight at a hospital. I'd really never even had to go to a hospital since then. I wasn't always the most careful in doing things but maybe it was the fact I was destined to become a slayer that had me just not as susceptible to getting myself hurt in whatever way. I never really pictured myself ending up in one again exactly like this.

In the battle, I expected one of two things. Either I would make it out completely fine, maybe a few bumps or marks along the way, or I would die. The last thing I was doing was going into it thinking or wanting or expecting to die, but those were the two possibilities. Ending up in a hospital bed in some flimsy and ugly hospital gown with bandages all over my upper body was definately not how I imaged coming out of the battle.

Girls lost their lives. I knew that much before I ever hit the pavement and passed out. I saw them, it ripped me apart from the inside out, but I couldn't let myself focus on them. That was all apart of surviving, right? Focus on the kill, on the demon in front of you and that's what keeps you standing straight and unscathed.

I don't know how long I'd been out or how long I'd been poked and prodded by the doctors. All I knew when I started waking up was OW. My eyes hadn't opened yet, but I heard myself groan. Then I winced from the pain in my throat. It felt like someone had taken a razor blade to my throat. Shifting in the bed a little, I heard and felt the bandages on my arms and chest. Ugh.

Blinking my eyes open, I squinted and winced again. My back felt like someone had slammed me back into a telephone pole as hard as they could. Oh wait. They did. Demon bitch. I blinked a few more times and felt someone next to me. Were they saying something? If so, I hadn't really been listening. "Huh?" I asked and my voice sounded really groggy and unattractive right now. Once I was able to mostly focus on what was going on, I tried to sit up but that was pretty much a lost effort when it suddenly felt like my arms were on fire. I turned my head to see Lucy looking at me with some kind of look on her face. "Hi."

[Open to Lucy then Seth]
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