I like stuff

Oct 06, 2015 22:31

Have you ever written a story that just... haunts you?

I was thinking about this today at work. A while back, I wrote this story. And now, every time I go to the caf at work to get coffee, I think about this story and feel like crying my eyes out. Because there is no amazing, gorgeous Jared to make my coffee perfect and special for me... and also because it's fucking Flavia.

However, tomorrow there WILL be gorgeous Jared, and also gorgeous Jensen! And they are airing on Wednesdays this season, which is awesome because I work from home on Wednesdays, which means I will have time to chatter about them before and after the episode on twitter, or wherever. YAY!

laurificus has been texting me about the Many Adventures of Jared and Jensen in BroTown, which has been a blast, especially since their idea of BroTown means hanging off each other like fuzzy sweaters whenever cameras are about. So my excitement about this season and staring at their ridiculous faces is totally stoked.

In other exciting news, I will be going to see The Martian on Sunday (don't spoil me about the movie please! I've read the book but I don't want to know things about how the movie is different or the same until I actually am present in the theatre.) I'm HIGHLY EXCITED because MARK and also MATT DAMON. All good.

While I'm basically just listing stuff I love here, I should include the entire series of novels that comprise The Expanse by James S. A. Corey. They make me really happy. I really hope the TV series SyFy is making out of them doesn't SUCK. I'm trying to keep an open mind. But if you like kind of old-skool space opera stuff with great characters and TEAMINESS and whatnot, these are books that were made for you like they were made for me.

I'm also catching up with Zoo on Netflix, which is basically When Animals Attack with a plot. And with some verrrrrrry scary kitties, man. I'm looking at my own little beasties in a totally new and highly disturbing light. It's basically popcorn, but it's fun popcorn with some interesting characters and you're TOTALLY allowed to root for the fuzzy team.

Finally, it has come to my attention that Martha Wells is publishing a new Raksura novel called Edge of Worlds. If you aren't thrilled about this, I can only assume you haven't yet read the FIRST three Raksura novels, so... I'm sorry for your loss. You're in luck, though! You can fix that by starting with The Cloud Roads -- when you get to the end of it, grab the second book and keep going!

And last but not least, I'm still obsessing over Dragon Age. I finished the Trespasser DLC, which was huge fun -- long, interesting, and a very highly satisfying conclusion to Inquisition. Now I'm back to Dragon Age 2, which always calls to me because VARRIC and HAWKE and zomg, Kirkwall, which may just be my favorite fictional city ever. This time through I'm rivalmancing Fenris (WHAT COULD GO WRONG, I told
astolat) and have already pissed Carver off so many times without half trying that I guess I'm on the rival path with him, too. Whatever, MAGE FREEDOM FOREVER!

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