time for something new...

Jun 14, 2010 23:12

I've finally decided to do something i've attempted many times but have never succeeded in doing. I'm going to fix my lifestyle. I've got many flaws that I've always been aware of and I know that now is the time to take charge of it all.

#1. Weight. I'm gonna get rid of some of it. 17.5 lbs. to be exact. I have always had this dream weight that i've come close to reaching, but havent quite conquered. its not an impossible weight to reach, and i can get there with lots of HEALTHY, SMART changes- nothing crazy or drastic. I never used to put much thought into weight, and I'd be happy to just lose 10, but if i can get to that special number- i'll be very very happy!!

#2. Diet. I need to freaking eat better. I crave junk food and have a monster of a sweet tooth, so this is going to be the hardest part of all- controlling my diet. I like veggies and i love fruit. but i crave bad things... so my biggest priority is going to be changing what i crave. I dont know if this is even possible. I know i can change how i eat- but i want to get rid of my love for bad food. this is a daunting task, but if i dont do this- i'll only temporarily lose the weight.

#3. Exercise. I have a busy schedule, so this is something I'm really gonna have to be patient with. I need to find the right times each week where i can work out without getting burnt out. I enjoy my free time, so i'm hoping i can look at exercise time as free time- if nothing else, a chance to clear my mind. we'll see how this goes, but i know that if i wanna see that special number on the scale, i'm gonna have to make exercise a part of my life.

#4. Money. I need to stop spending the money I dont have. I have more clothes and shoes than I know what to do with. and since i wont be eating like a fatty anymore, i can stop spending so much money on food, too. I've always had a plan to move out after school is over. Well school is over in november, and i do not have the means to pay for my own place yet... at all. so something drastic is gonna have to happen if moving out is in my near future.

All of this might sound like i'm going overboard all the sudden, but i know i'm capable of it, and i know i just havent been taking it seriously enough. I need to get myself back on track for a number of reasons, but most of all, for my own happiness. I'm content with who i am and how i look- but content isnt cutting it anymore. i want to be proud of myself and happy with myself, and now is a good time to take charge!! wish me luck!
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