Jan 16, 2008 14:24
School has started again, and so far so good. I love my program lol The courses never look interesting when you read about them, but the teachers make them interesting (well, I still have two classes that I don't know about, but it's been that way so far...). This semester, I have (In order):
- Thème II (translating from French to English) (The only obligatory course of the semester)
- Version littéraire
- Synthèse de documents (looks boring, but is actually fun)
- La littérature française de 1680 à nos jours (okay, this one just sounds boring... but my Français en Amérique du Nord sounded as boring, but was so fun; and it was on a Friday morning, so that speaks)
- Version juridique
And my schedule looks like this:
Monday: 2 classes - 12:30-3:30, 3:30-6:30
Tuesday: no class
Wednesday: 2 classes - 8:30-11:30, 3:30-6:30
Thursday: 1 class - 8:30-11:30
Friday: no class!
It looked horrible at first to see two days with tow classes, but with the days off in between, it will go just perfect I guess. And Friday's off! And I only have to get to University three times a week, and as each trip is a 30-40some kilometers (that is for one trip to Uni OR back, not the back and forth) and that my Coco is losing about 100 kilometers per full tank in winter time, it'll save on gas. To illustrate the loss of gas, my car's gas tank has 8 levels for me to see on the dash. In summer, I can easily do 100 kilometers per little bar. In winter, I can barely make it to 80. Bad bad. Anyway, I still love my car lol.
Ahhh... anyway. I kinda got off-topic there..
Um, I think I haven't talked of my Christmas yet...
So yeah, for Christmas, my grandmother rent(ed?) an inn for the whole family (meaning all the cousins and aunts and uncles... and the boy/girlfriends of some of us cousins. We spent 3 days there (2 nights): 24, 25, 26. Keven and I brought (of course) the DDR games and dance pads, as well as a GameCube for MarioPartys and Mario Kart. We were planning to have fun.
Except... Everything would have been perfect if my uncle François, my cousin Daniel and Guitar Hero hadn't been there. Daniel is like 6-7 years old, and François is 40-50... but they seem to share the same mental age. François is so annoying! I mean, we (meaning me, Keven, my brother and my parents) arrived first. Keven and I decided to sleep on the hidebed as we knew the rooms were taken by uncles and aunts and we wanted the only hidebed that was apart from the others (privacy, you know). So we were installing our stuff when François arrived with his family (he his the in-law, btw). I kid you not, he stayed 5 minutes before moving to see grandma in the other inn (it was like two inns side by side) and right when he closed the door, Keven, my brother and I all said at the same time "S'ti qu'yé con" (in good Québécois), "Y'en a fumé du bon!" and "Y'é ben épais". Promising...
Then Daniel arrived, and what I was fearing happened: he had had the idea to bring his TV ans his PlayStation (just like us) with his Guitar Hero monster. Desaster when there's no wall between the kitchen (unused and where we had installed DDR) and the livingroom. And when one set the volume higher, and the other one follows, than the first turn it up even louder... Grr.
And on the two nights, François was sleeping upstairs, and Keven and I right down the stairs. On the two morning, François got up early and went down the stairs making the loudest steps ever and opening the curtains to let the sun in (yeah, right on us). Thank God we were already a bit awoken, but still... He really is worsening with time, he wasn't that annoying before. Anyway. It was fun anyway, but the conclusion (that I was thinking before even getting there) is that we always prefer quiet Christmases, with not too many people in.
The fun and quick part of it: Gifts! I got The Sims 2 Bon Voyage expansion (from Keven), the Harry Potter 5 PC game (gah, so fun!!) (from my brother), money, a small coin-holder from Belgium, and cell phone (from my parents) with a $100 prepaid card, which will last me for a whole year if I keep going to the rate of using I have now (meaning I only use is to play the games on it...). My grandmother's gift to everyone was to pay for the inns.
Happily, we've had a quiet New Year day.
Oh, and I have to get going now... Just wanna say that in a bit less than a month, Keven and I will be celebrating our first year together ^^