I like rootbeer.
So I was buying more rootbeer today...because well all of my rootbeer was gone..
So I was at Earthfare...and I was looking for my rootbeer loves: Virgil's
http://www.virgils.com/index.html, and Maine Root
http://www.maineroot.com/ .
But I was sad because Earthfare didn't have any normal things of Virgil's, and scarily I read " Out of Stock by Manufacturer"....eek... They did have the kegs
which are awesome....but awfully hard to keep in your house when you aren't having a party.
Anyway...the reason i am speaking of the rootbeer.. I was trying to open a bottle of maineroot....and I've just come to the conclusion...that these people are sadistic, because it always feels like the bottle caps are shredding your hands as you attempt to access the goodness that is rootbeer. Someone should rectify this situation. I love rootbeer, but I love my hands too. Please don't make me choose.
Yes. well. okay.
Also I hate pollen....and the fact that I can't tell if I have allergies or a cold.
UGh. Can you tell i'm procrastinating?
I really don't want to do my paper.
Because papers are evil.
I don't like them.
Oh...did i mention it has to be in french?
I especially dislike paper when they have to be in french.
I saw Chulip reviewed on X-Play..they gave it a 3/5. I kinda agree. I know the game has flaws....but I still like it. weirdo i know.
I just want to breathe through my nose.
I bought a garden gnome jack in the box!
http://onegoodbumblebee.com/item.php?item_id=10&category_id=5 and some owl things
http://onegoodbumblebee.com/item.php?item_id=163&category_id=2 and since i bought owl things i had to go to old navy to buy a thing to buy the things on.
I love that website...everything is sooooo cute.
I'm thinking about being a librarian? I don't know...maybe?
I've got to interview a librarian for class. Somehow I forsee the poor person calling the police....and me being dragged off in handcuffs into the sunset.....shouting , " I JUST WANTED TO ASK YOU SOME QUESTIOOOOOOOOONS"
If I don't completely make a fool of myself...I might see if I can volunteer at the library over the summer.
I like books.
I have a busy weekend coming up. I have to study....for History ( bleak stuffs too, like fascism, and nazis, and world war one...totally not fun)...and then I'm going to do a french presentation...which I totally need to prepare for.
I might as well expect to die on the 2nd of April. geez.
I want to start baking stuff. I wanna make a pie, and some cookies.
I'm sure my nose is starting to look red and irritated.....and no it's not from alcoholism, but just the constant wiping of the nose...that comes with allergies/cold.
I should probably stop using paper towels. But they are just soooo gosh darn convenient.