Nov 18, 2009 19:16
So, some of you may know that I have not been purchasing tuna for quite some time now. I stopped during the summer. It sometimes shows up in school lunch, etc, and in that case I end up eating it, but I don't order it in restaurants and I don't buy it in stores. I feel pretty bad for the state that tuna are in, especially because nobody wants to do a thing about it.
Read in the Japan times today that there has been an agreement reached to reduce global tuna catch by 1/3.... which according to experts on tuna will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to halt the extinction of tuna. The numbers are truly astounding. And do you know why businesses are bickering about a 1/3 reduction? Because less intake will increase prices of tuna and tuna products. An increase in prices!! THIS is what they are worried about. But they're not worried that in 15 years there might be NO tuna left?? How will prices be THEN, you jerks!? WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
Not only this.... recently I read an article in the Japan Times (yes we all know I love that paper) about Dutch eel fishing and how it's considered a delicacy but they are having shortage problems of eel, too. They also said that they have NEVER successfully bred these eels in captivity, and "farmed" eel consists of eels that were born in the wild and raised in controlled conditions. This means that even scientists don't know how and where the eels reproduce, so there is no way to breed them in captivity and introduce them into the wild. All everyone knows is that the eel population is becoming dangerously low and there is no way to stop it unless they drastically reduce fishing. So they put a ban on eel fishing for a couple months a year. But, according to the article, the fisherman's attitude is "I gotta make a living" and they continue fishing in those months illegally anyway. Which means that the ban is doing absolutely nothing to halt the decline.
I hate living in a world where making a profit TODAY means screwing your own future.