
Oct 21, 2009 16:49

My first day of teaching wearing my costume is over...... and as I type this I realize I forgot to take pictures of myself wearing it so I could post them D:

Today I feel a lot better but I am still really tired. I'm skipping out on my small group tonight because it's an hour away and if I get tired I really don't want to have to worry about holding out til the next train home. I also found out there is singing practice for the junior high's bunkasai (school's cultural festival) tonight at 6 so I may go.... it's nearby and if I start feeling bad I can always leave early as compared to being stuck in Koriyama. The bunkasai is on Sunday and I really want to sing in it. I've never seen one in person but I see them all the time in anime. I like singing and I think it would be fun. They said the song was called Tegami (letter, as in something you send in the mail).... I've never heard of this song but oh well. Maybe I can find it on youtube.

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Wow this is a really touching song..... about someone who is 15 writing a letter to their future selves about how they have troubles they can't speak to anyone about but maybe their future self will understand.... they don't know who to believe in.... etc.  Later their adult self says back to the teenager advice.... it's pretty intense..... which is probably why there are girls crying.

手紙 The Letter
アンジェラ・アキ Angela Aki

拝啓 この手紙読んでいるあなたは どこで何をしているのだろう
Dear ~, I wonder where you are and what you are doing as you read this letter
十五の僕には誰にも話せない 悩みの種があるのです
15-year-old me, I have troubles I can't speak to anyone about
Surely I can express myself honestly if I write to my future self

今 負けそうで 泣きそうで 消えてしまいそうな僕は
Right now, as I feel defeated and about to cry, about to disappear, whose words should I believe and go forward?
The only heart I have is breaking countless times
And the center of pain is where I'm living
Living right now.

拝啓 ありがとう 十五のあなたに伝えたい事があるのです
自分とは何でどこへ向かうべきか 問い続ければ見えてくる
Dear ~, thank you.  There is something I want to say to 15-year-old you.
You must do many things and go to many places, continue questioning, and you'll begin to see.

明日の岸辺へと 夢の舟よ進め
The storms in the sea of youth are severe,
but the ship of your dreams will advance to the shores of tomorrow

今 負けないで 泣かないで 消えてしまいそうな時は
Right now, don't be defeated, don't cry, times when you feel you may dissappear,
you should believe in your own voice and go forward
Even as an adult I have nights when I'm wounded and can't sleep, but
in bitterness and sweetness right now I am living

人生の全てに意味があるから 恐れずにあなたの夢を育てて
There is a meaning to everything in life, so fearlessly nurture your dreams

Keep on believing

負けそうで 泣きそうで 消えてしまいそうな僕は
As I feel defeated and about to cry, about to disappear, whose words should I believe and go forward?
ああ 負けないで 泣かないで 消えてしまいそうな時は
Oh, don't be defeated, don't cry, times when you feel you may dissappear,
you should believe in your own voice and go forward
In any age there is pain you can't avoid, but
笑顔を見せて 今を生きていこう
Show a smile, right now let's keep living
now let's keep living

拝啓 この手紙読んでいるあなたが
Dear ~, as you read this letter I wish you happiness.

music, asachu, costume, sick

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