May 17, 2008 09:07
I lost 1.1 kg! Woot! You know you're not in the US anymore when you know how much you weigh in kg and how tall you are in cm.
There was an earthquake today, which lasted a couple of seconds, and I didn't even stop what I was doing for it.
Two years ago today was the first day I set foot in Japan (for study abroad). It's kind of amazing how much has changed since then. Going to be my second rainy season here in about a month. Maybe I'll get all nostalgic and go spend time in Tokyo. I was hoping to go down to see Leah next month anyway.
Today I really need to call Nao (curse my social anxiety) and I am also tempted to go to the city and eat at McDonalds and go shopping for clothes I don't need. Shopping is a dangerous hobby. But kids, I have barrettes shaped like bananas and shirts with ridiculous English and earrings that come in sets of 5 rather than pairs (none of them are the same!). For some reason this totally fascinates me. I have a purse with a hamburger and fries on it that my students tell me "looks delicious". I guess I have always worn weird clothes but I don't like to dress like everyone else. *shrugs* Even if it means I'm the tackiest person around, I want to wear something fun. And in Japan I can be whoever I want because people stare at me anyway, so I might as well give them reasons to besides my race.
Still sad about the shirt with all the little wiener dogs on it.... Japan needs to make more clothes in mind for people who actually have hips. Also, guess what, but my boobs are too big for certain shirts here. That's seriously saying something, because my chest is not that big.
Hopefully I will get guts and call Nao and we can go to karaoke sometime because it's been centuries and I miss Japanese karaoke.
I want to get some kind of hair product that makes it do crazy things but I'm not sure what to get or how to use it.