Four priests and a paladin go into the Deadmines...

Apr 19, 2011 09:38

After three days and roughly eight hours of play time, a group of guildies and I conquered the Deadmines heroic on World of Warcraft. My first Cataclysm heroic. Yay!

We were a group of tanking paladin (me), a disc priest (healer) and three shadow priests for dps, most of us just barely geared for heroics. Yeah, the punchline to our little joke was 'and they wiped a lot'. But, I got some sweet gear upgrades for both my tanking and main spec (retribution paladin, I like to smash faces).

Night one, we cleared through to Ripsnarl. He killed us a lot. We called it a night.

Night two, we kicked Ripsnarl's furry bottom on the second or third try and-- oh shi-- to get to the final boss, we have to run a gauntlet of death through fire, falling ice and lightning rods that one shot you and we have to rekill all the trash mobs we killed the night before while running said nightmare guantlet? Fuck that noise. In goes a ticket! Got generic 'known issue, fixing on future patches' reply. Escalated. Got a humourous GM who went into the dungeon with three of us to see what was going on. Got our answer. Much more happy with the answer the GM gave us rather than the auto-reply we got the first time. The woman who put in the ticket asked to borrow 200g from the GM for repairs/the trouble. Hilarity ensued. We called it a night.

Night three, we clear all the trash mobs up to the boat where we trigger the last boss and the guantlet of death. Since we weren't trying to get a particular achievement out of the run, we shoulda just sat around chatting until the nightmare ran itself out, the game auto-kills you and you're placed at the last boss. No, we threw ourselves at the guantlet with gusto... and wiped about another dozen times before the nightmare ran out, killed us and placed us in front of the last boss. Sigh. Took us two tries to finally down the last boss. Huzzah!

Oh! And... have a screenshot. One of my guildies took it. It's amusing.

From left to right: Devynn (shadow priest), Seraphynn (discipline priest), Leelix (shadow priest), Sympheodora (shadow priest) and Xella (me, protection paladin).

x-posted to the guild LJ.

PS: amiboshi is in town. :D!
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