Mar 10, 2005 18:02
last night, i lost track of time-10 hours to be exact. Brandon suprised me and zack in the dark room by wispering a sweet little sentence-"I got us acid" what a night. neither brandon or i had ever done it.. zack of course has, and donnie has. so the four of us rented Fear and Loathing, took half a hit, and an hour later, took the other half.. we ventured into town, down to the pizza place. the walls and floor swayed, and innertwined with themselves. CRAZY! I stood in the bathroom for about 15 minutes-trying to figure out why i hadn't peed yet. I realized the shower curtain (with a repeated ivy pattern crawling up ;) was constantly moving and crawling around. i couldnt stop staring lol. i think that happened to all of us, more than twice. if someone went missing-they were stuck in the bathroom. we then decided to use our Studio Art class paint to paint a mural on our bedroom wall. it came out pretty sweet and we'll most definately add to it the next trip. we have another hit for tomorrow-or whenever we wanna do it again. it's suposed to snow friday and the rest of the weekend, so that'd be pretty crazy.
I applied at the Northwoods Inn on Main Street in Lake Placid today. I applied to be a bartender, since the guy I talked to said I could be trained. THAT WOULD ROCK!! I would make decent money in tips and what-not. i also applied at Adirondack Decorative Arts and Crafts on Main Street. It's a two story, HUGE EXPENSIVE adirondack furniture/home accesory store. sweeet! the two women who were working today joked and said, "You'll LOVE working here, if you like drinking tea all morning, and just hanging out." that would ROCK TOO! i love tea, and the nothingness could be spent studying and keeping myself caught up in sociology. what a hard fucking class. i like it a lot tho, but man does it make my brain work. It's crazy the shit we talk about. We are learning about society. For my english research paper, i am researching LSD and the experiments done on it in the 1940's through the 1960's until it was made illegal. I found out it was originally thought of it as a mind control drug. They later tried to experiment with LSD as a way to change society-change peoples attitudes about life, and their "path" through it. crazy shit. ash gave me 5 or so books on drugs, and LSD so that will save me time going to the library to research it. I think North Country library only had ONE book on LSD. lol
time to get some more homework done. maybe i'll go and relax before the boys come over. zack's sleeping so the place is super quiet.
perfect reading time.