Laundry Day (Orlijah) PG

Mar 02, 2011 10:37

Title: Laundry Day
Author: moit
Summary: It's laundry day, so that leaves Elijah slightly high and dry.
Pairing: Orlijah
Fandom: LotRiPS
Rating: PG
Genre: comedy
Warnings: Yaoi/Slash
Word count: 537
Author's Note: Written for orlijah_month

When he opened the drawer, he saw with displeasure that the only clean pair of underwear he had was the pair of briefs he should have thrown out a long time ago. As it was, it was all he had left unless he wanted to go commando, which was definitely not happening.

With a sigh, Elijah buttoned his jeans, shifting his hips a bit to get comfortable in his clothes. The briefs were just a bit too small, one of those pairs left over from his teenage years that somehow never made it out of his dresser.

He took a step and felt the elastic edge of the briefs begin to creep between his cheeks. Oh, for fuck’s sake. He would be picking these damn things out of his ass all day.

Unsurprisingly, Orlando was the first to notice Elijah’s fidgety behavior on set.

“You okay, mate?” Orlando bent down to whisper as they broke for lunch.

“I’m fine,” Elijah replied, rolling his shoulder to get Orlando away.

“All right . . .” Orlando replied, sounding completely unconvinced, as he watched Elijah walk away awkwardly with one hand surreptitiously sneaking around to pick the underwear out of his butt crack.

He stifled a laugh into his fist and turned it into a cough when he realised Viggo was watching him curiously. Orlando straightened himself and walked to his own trailer.

Elijah had only been inside the relative safety of his trailer with both hands down his pants to keep the underwear out of his butt when someone knocked on the door. He cursed to himself and pulled his hands out of his pants.

“What?” he growled, throwing the door open more roughly than he mean to.

But Orlando just smiled and held up a pair of grey boxers. “They’re clean, I promise.”

“I fucking love you,” Elijah said, snatching the boxers out of Orlando’s hand. Orlando followed him in through the open door. “How did you know?”

“It was rather obvious. I saw you picking your wedgie.”

Elijah giggled as he wrestled himself out of his Frodo-trousers. Orlando did his best to look away for the sake of Elijah’s modesty, even though he’d seen his cast mates naked on several occasions. He was not expecting Elijah to start stripping off the rest of his costume as well.

Orlando turned all the way around in flushed embarrassment. “I-wow-Lij-I’m sorry . . . I didn’t realise you were changing.”

“Orlando, I . . .” Elijah’s voice was low and heavy. “I want you to look.”

Orlando turned back around, painfully away that he was blushing to the roots of his fake blonde hairline. His breath caught in his throat as he realised that Elijah was standing in front of him completely nude. While he wasn’t sorry Elijah was nude, he did find it a bit odd.


Orlando shook his head and realised he’d been standing at the door to the trailer with the boxers in his hand for several minutes.

“Sorry, I . . . yeah, here,” he said brandishing the boxers. “They’re clean.”

Elijah grinned. “You’re my hero. Thanks, dude.” And then he shut the door in Orlando’s face.

So much for his daydream.

challenge: orlijah_month, rating: pg, fandom: lotrips, pairing: lotrips: orlijah

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