Itchy (Orlijah) PG

Mar 02, 2011 10:33

Title: Itchy
Author: moit
Summary: Orlando and Elijah are itchy. Billy intervenes.
Pairing: Orlijah
Fandom: LotRiPS
Rating: PG
Genre: drabble, comedy
Word count: 456
Author's Note: Written for orlijah_month

Orlando and Elijah were back to back, in full costume, sliding up and down against one another in a most peculiar way. From a normal vantage point, it looked as though Legolas were a tree, and Frodo an itchy bear who was desperately seeking relief for his back.

“Have you two gone mad?” Billy asked, stopping in front of them on his way to the catering tent.

“I can’t scratch my back with all this costume on and neither can Orli. So we’re trying the next best thing.”

Billy raised an eyebrow. “Well, is it doing much good?”

Orlando frowned. “Not especially.”

“Try this.” Billy produced from inside Pippin’s jacket what looked like a curved hand on a stick.

“A backscratcher!” Elijah crowed with glee, snatching it from Billy’s hand.

“You’re not the only one who gets irritated by the wool. And I want that back when you’re done, now,” he said, eyeing Elijah and Orlando both.

“Yeah, yeah,” Orlando said, squatting down to avoid getting the knees of Legolas’s leggings dirty. “Just scratch me.”

Elijah looked at him as though he’d just grown an extra head. “Scratch you?” he held out the back scratcher. “No, my dear Elf, scratch me.”

“Come on, I’m already at your level. Just . . . just scratch me a bit and then I’ll do you. I promise.”

Grudgingly, Elijah flipped Legolas’s ponytail over Orlando’s shoulder and worked the backscratcher down under the folds of Legolas’s costume. Orlando sighed with pleasure.

But it seemed like no sooner had he stopped that Elijah pulled the back scratcher out and presented it to Orlando again.

“Okay, now me.”

“But you only just got started!”

Elijah glanced over his shoulder. “Does you back still itch?”

“Well . . . no,” Orlando had to admit.

“Then do me!” Elijah said insistently.

With a scowl, Orlando fit the back scratcher down Frodo’s shirt and worked it over Elijah’s skin. Elijah sighed with pleasure.

“Good, yeah?” Orlando asked when he pulled it back out.

“Mmm,” Elijah answered, leaning his head against Orlando’s arm.

“You know,” Orlando leaned down. “We could have done that with our clothes off.”

“But that would have taken all the fun out of it!” Elijah whispered back.

“Think Billy will miss this?” Orlando asked, admiring the back scratcher still in his hand.

“Nah,” Elijah decided, shaking his head.

Orlando snaked it into his quiver to be hidden in his trailer when he got the chance.

They never saw Billy and Dom eyeballing them from the catering tent.

“I told you they were shagging each other. But you,” Dom poked him, “didn’t believe me.”

“Well, now you owe me a new back scratcher. There’s no telling where Orlando will put that one now.”

challenge: orlijah_month, rating: pg, fandom: lotrips, pairing: lotrips: orlijah

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