Because my WoW addiction knows few bounds ...

Jan 01, 2010 13:34

Might as well post this here. I need to use my LJ more, anyways! ^_^

What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been!
-an end of the year WotLK meme for WoW_Ladies~
Cut so it doesn't flood FLs ... )


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aislinnshannara March 2 2010, 11:15:21 UTC
I have to say that if XT is your fav, then you need to raid more. He is horribly boring, at least for us healers that can solo heal the hard modes. :P

I think you would absolutely love the Blood Princes in Ice Crown, they are awesome. Lots of mechanics, and you would actually get the cliché remarks they make, like "My cup runneth over". It is so cheesy, but none of the Danes/Swedes I play with understand why I laugh so hard when they say it!

Grats on your two lvl 80's. I was working on my 4th, holy priest. My main is a Holy Paladin, named Aerya, but she was my second char. In TBC I played Sylai, a destro warlock. I found out I loved to heal, and my guild at that time needed a holy pally so I switched. For WOTLK, I got those two up plus a resto druid, and, like I said my priest is now lvl 72ish. I also started a shammy, who will ofc be resto! But she is only 45 right now. I do have a mage, and I play the lock like one, so keep at it!

And to the comment about Eu Servers, there are lots, and if you care at all about raid progression, EU is the way to go (just not my server - Ravenholdt). EU has always surpassed US in raid progressions, oddly enough.

Funny though, you seem to have just started and I have to end my WoW career. :) My arms finally gave out on me, but I also contribute that to finally discovering the beauty of RPG's. I just finished Dragon Age: Origins, and omgs! That thing is so awesome.

Keep having fun hun, and btw FOR THE HORDE!


moira_fae11 March 2 2010, 16:56:41 UTC
Well hello there, you! :D

I want to raid more, trust me! :P XT is just funny to me, and seeing as my guild is pretty lame and hardly does any content (much to the dismay of the handful of us who actually do like progression), I don't have a ton of others to compare him to ... Although I have to say I've enjoyed most of the few bosses in TotC, and I hope to see the inside of ICC at some point. :,(

That? Sounds hilarious! I hope I make it there. I have a feeling I would like/be amused by a lot of the ICC bosses from what I've read and been told ... Like Putricide, since I hear he continuously spouts Futurama quotes. XD

Y thank you! ^_^ Why am I not surprised your first main was a lock? XD Still, that's fantastic that you've found your love for healing. Personally, I've dual-specced my main for heals and I have just found that I really, really prefer DPS. No idea why, I just like killing things more than healing them, I suppose ... Although now I think I'm going to start trying to tank with my DK. We'll see how that goes! XD

My two mid-level alts are Moíríana (no surprise, right?), a 67 mage, and Nimüe, a little 35 hunter who I am enjoying to no end. I'd really like to get them up to endgame before Cata drops, but who knows, right? >.>; Also, yaaaay for shammies! <3 Are you leveling her resto? That's pretty awesome if you are.

Aw, your poor arms! Although, in some ways I am totally not surprised ... ;) Take care of yourself, silly lady. And I started a couple years ago, so you probably have a good year or two on me, but I'm definitely not just starting out. ;) RPGs truly are love, yes? I'm considering getting DA:O, since what I've seen of it is so bloody awesome. ^_^

I shall do, and LOL! Um, FOR ARGOS? (Whatever, I <3 the Horde, too. ;P)


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