Because my WoW addiction knows few bounds ...

Jan 01, 2010 13:34

Might as well post this here. I need to use my LJ more, anyways! ^_^

What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been!
-an end of the year WotLK meme for WoW_Ladies~

Our Intrepid Heroes

[1:] Who/what are your mains?
My main is Eibhsilin, a Draenei Shaman. She's the first toon I leveled to 80!

[2:] Which alts were your favorite this year?
Well, really, my favorte alts have bounced back and forth. There's my NElf DK, Eibhraine, who just recently dinged 80 and I've been trying to gear her and learn how to tank with her. Also I have my Draenei Mage, Moíríana, who's closing in on 60 but isn't quite there yet. Finally, there's my nearly 30 Draenei Hunter, Nimüe, who I'm really enjoying. I used to have a nearly-30 warrior that I played for a while, but I think I might actually just hold off with her until I've leveled the others and then either get back to her or just erase her completely and reroll her as a Worgen when Cata comes out. Oh, and I have a sekrit baby druid, ßayleaf, who's around 10 now and just got her bare form, but who knows if I'll actually keep playing her. I might choose to reroll her as well when Cata comes out. I really should FOCUS more on the 'serious' alts I have. XD

[3:] How many characters did you get to 60? 70? 80?
I now have 2 80s! I'm so proud of myself, even if one is a DK so it sort of doesn't count. :P But ny Mage is so close to 60 she could hit Outlands if she threw a rock ...

[4:] What character are you most proud of and why?
I'd have to say Eibhsilin, my main, simply because I've done the most work on her. She has two pieces of T9, has seen the inside of Icecrown already (even if I'll probably never make it past Marrowgar :( ), and while I've been a bit burnt out on playing her, I'm still a bit impressed that, even with such a non-progressive casual guild such as mine, I've seen as much content as I have with her. And hope to see more in the future.

Around Azeroth

[5:] What was your biggest/most memorable achievement(s) this year? What was the most painful?
I'd have to say my most memorable achieves would have to be For the Alliance and getting my Black War Bear, getting both Stinky and the Albino Drake for having 50 pets and mounts ... Most painful was definitely f-ing School of Hard Knocks. WORST. HOLIDAY REQUIREMENT ACHIEVEMENT. EVER.

[6:] What has been the most fun raid/pve fight so far in WotLK?
Most fun? Yeesh ... Um. I would say my favorite fight that I've actually done would have to be XT in Ulduar. I just love his voice, and the strategy of the fight is fun, and I just enjoy it.

[7:] What was your favorite quest/questchain?
The Wrathgate storyline, of course. I still think you should get a title for completing it, just because it's SO EPIC.

[8:] A lot of powerful lore has been introduced in this expansion. Any favorite bits?
Wow, yeah. Again, the whole Wrathgate and the effect that it's had and the echoes of it that translate into the Tourney and then into Icecrown is just my favorite part. I mean, it would be easy to say 'Arthas!' but really, I think Arthas is a stuck-up, prissy snot who was far too easily taken control of by the powers of the Lich King, and is really just pissy because ... hey, you'd be angry if you had to sit on a frozen throne in plate mail all day and night! No, I really prefer the repercussions of the death of two of the finest young leaders at the Wrathgate, the effects it's had on the Alliance, the Horde (Especially towards the Undead and Undercity! Yikes! Poor Sylvanus!), the whole Ashen Verdict and the battle in ICC! I hope to see that fight someday. >.>;

[9:] The rise of the Lich King has changed Azeroth and its people so much. Who's your favorite NPC(s) in this expansion?
... Wow. Tough question. Again, I think Bolvar is pretty far on top, but Alexstrasza and poor Keristrasza of the Red Dragonflight are some of my favorites, as well as Har'koa, the Snow Leopard goddess of Zul'Drak. Oh, and Kel'thuzad and Mr. Bigglesworth. The idea of a lich lord fawning over a kitty cat makes me giggle hugely.

[10:] Which in-game holiday was the most fun this year?
Probably a tie for me between the Fire Festival and Hollow's End. Oh, and Brewfest.

Friends and Enemies

[11:] Did you change guilds this year? If so why?
Nope. Although sometimes ... rrrrr.

[12:] What was your guild's biggest/proudest accomplishment this year?
PROBABLY DOWNING FRIGGING KOLO. *cough* I mean. Seriously. Yargh.

[13:] Did you make a lot of new friends? Any mortal enemies?
I made lots of new friends. And have had some disputes/uncomfytimes with people I dislike. But no, no mortal anemones. XD

[14:] Any fun or memorable PVP encounters?
Oh, I don't know about memorable, but I did learn to love PvP this year, especially Eye of the Storm. I <3 EOTS. Also, thunderstorm. Thereby being able to send my enemies flying into the abyss. Yesssss. XD

Looking Ahead

[15:] What changes are you most excited for in Cataclysm?
Just to be able to see a 'new', changed Azeroth. I picked up WoW quite a while after BC was rolling along, and so I never got to experience the 'old world' in all its Vanilla shiny newness with everyone who started when WoW first hit the ground running. I feel like changed Azeroth will give us all a run for our monies and make the entire world a whole new place to explore and discover. Also, now that I'm in the midst of leveling my 3rd & 4th alts, it's nice to know that when I start to roll my Worgen and any other alts I decide to level thereafter, it will be a mostly new experience, as the landscape is starting to look more and more the same with each alt I grind through ...

Oh, and Path of the Titans. I can't WAIT for Archaeology. It's gonna be AWESOME. "I FOUND RAGNAROS UNDER THIS ROCK HERE! >.>;"

[16:] Which new race/class combos are you going to roll? Got any names yet?
Definitely both a Worgen and a Goblin, although the Worgen will probably get more attention. Likely the Worgen will be a warrior, priest or warlock, but that could easily change to druid if I get tired of the little one I'm fiddling with now. It will probably be named Eibhette or something a bit more inspired by its class ... As for the Goblin, I have no idea. XD

[17:] Where do you see your character in the next few months?
Gods, I hope I get her into ICC. She'll at least be doing more random PuGs, maybe I'll see if I can pull her into some TotC/TotGC PuGs and some Ony25 if possible. Until we know for definite when Cata's going to drop, I'll feel like I have time to see the inside of ICC, but still ... must get gear! Oh, and I want to start pugtanking with 'Raine and see how that goes ...


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