My tweets

Oct 19, 2011 11:50

  • Tue, 19:52: Watching the first episode of The Walking Dead before works! I'm also eating, lol. Might be a mistake combo.
  • Tue, 20:45: RT @ LeichenWasser: You know what needs to happen again? @ tohoanonylove.
  • Wed, 00:57: I have an test online that I tooootallly forgot about, lol. Time to parachute away to drink Red Bull and study before doing this thang! Kbye
  • Wed, 03:21: If anyone wants to see some pictures and hear some things about my trip to Peru last month, here you go!
  • Wed, 03:26: Annnnnd thank you @ LeichenWasser, for being the most lovable and adorable jackass on the planet. :D <3
  • Wed, 04:11: Mmmk, I'm off to sleeps! Goodnight :D <3
  • Wed, 14:50: It is quite chilly out! :D
  • Wed, 16:25: The zombies in The Walking Dead are so disgusting and revolting. IT'S AWESOME.


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