Oh Peru, you are long overdue~

Oct 18, 2011 22:19

I'm sort of kind of embarrassed that I have taken so long to post things about my trip to Peru. It was such a jumble of glorious adventure that I don't know if I could accurately describe each event. Thus, I will provide you with some pictures, names of places, and a few thoughts here and there. I apologize that some of the photos are large and some are smaller. I took like half on my camera and half on my phone. :D Let's begin!

We flew into Cusco on our first day and then immediately traveled by (very shaky) bus to the lovely little town of Urubamba. We stayed at some lodgings called Kuychi Rumi. They were so lovely! Cabins nestled amongst flower gardens. Here is a picture of the sitting area of the one my family and I stayed in.

The owners were soooo nice and they had five really friendly dogs who lived there! So friendly that they would just waltz right into our cabin and hop onto the couch, lol. They were cuties though so it was all good.

Here are some places we went!

Moray, which was an Incan agricultural experiment. They planted vegetation on all of the levels and tested to see which elevation it grew the best at. We climbed all the way down to the bottom and you really could feel the difference in the temperature at each level!

We went to the Maras Salt Mines in Cusco. All of the salt pools are manmade! We actually walked along the narrow pathways between them and I very nearly fell in several times. Which honestly would not have been surprising. I fall on the daily, haha.

One of the coolest experiences was at Pisac Market. It was amazing to see how people spend their working day; selling things to anyone willing to buy them. But mostly, all of the colors and people were just so beautiful!

This picture seriously tugs at all of my heartstrings. This little girl was making money by having her picture taken with her goat. There were sooo many little children selling things in Peru. It broke my heart to see them having to work so young. I made sure to give her extra.

Can we please take a second to talk about llamas? Because ohhh llama were there a lot of them!

This was a legitimate fight, guys. And I was all like, save the drama for your llama.

So, my sister and her husband were married by an Incan Shaman. It was suuuuuch a cool experience. They obviously had to get married in the U.S. as well to make it legal but, it was amazing. I had a bad angle and it was raining, so there are umbrellas in the pictures! But I shall post one anyway. :D

The day after the wedding, we got to hike around one of the most magical places I've ever had the pleasure of being at. Machu Picchu! Pic spam to follow :D

Sigh. It was so amazing. It truly was. I don't have pictures back of me from the wedding yet. But when I get some, I shall post! I hope you enjoyed these things. :D I'm pretty positive I left stuff out! I wish I could have taken you all with me though. If you ever get the chance, GO! It was incredible.

Oh and WAIT.



pictures, my life, family, travel

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