- This post is not a wind up. It is a observation of something so traumatic that Daryoon would be proud of -
Upon downloading a collection of NES roms I stumbled over a small file called Street Fighter 2010. 'Oh dear.' I thought, with control pad in hand. 'Someone has shamelessly copied the streetfighter name in an obvious pirate way, like Somario, the combination of Sonic and Mario.'
Dear readers, how wrong I was.
For I started the game, only to be met by a hail of Japlish.
Gaze upon this box art of said horror!
http://www.neshq.com/miscellaneous/mag/streetFighter2010_mag.jpgSee the title screen!
http://www.neshq.com/games/s/streetfighter2010/800x600-title.gifSee the evil that lurks beneeth. For solid beat em up has been turned into bizzare platform format!
http://www.chikapu.com/streetfighterlegends/screenshots/sssf20101.jpg And the story? 50 Year old Ken Masters has come out of retirement upon realising that alien goo is seeping into fighters around the galaxy and turning them into super men. So, he does what any man would do. Cut his long blonde hair and gel it back, don a pair of shades, go under cybernetic surgery and replace most of his body with a chrome armoured suit then take off in his spaceship and hunt the cause down.
Of course. It was all so simple.
So what's the moral of the story? Well it is this;
Never trust Capcom - because Streetfighter 2010 is not a pirate game but in fact the 'supposedly' propper sequel to the original beat em up.
I cry for their sins.