Mar 16, 2005 10:37
Minami's been and gone. I don't know why but such big events on the fandom callender really don't do anything for me. I've never been drawn to any convention probabbly because.... well I'm not too sure. I just don't want to be involved I guess. Maybe I have too much on, maybe I daresay I have better things to do with my time which, if you DID go, was not a dig but simply me saying that on the grand scale of things in my life anime cons come down near the bottom.
Except Tokonatsu of course. Toka is fucking solid. I have much time for that.
I keep re-reading the old emails between myself and Sweatdrop guys such as Keds. For those unawares the whole Artists and Illustrators magazine thing came about because of me. Now doesn't that seem a little conceited? Yup. True though. He and I were in contact before the convention and he said he wanted to discuss stuff with me of a business nature. We agreed and he came on site to discuss things. The result you all know of... So here's a PM from me to that rather nice bloke Keds.
Hi Keds,
At Wildercon this year I managed to blag a guy from Artist and Illistrator magazine. Being all PR Guru that I am we began takling about spaces in his magazine - it looks like they want to break into the anime/manga market and look at getting new people and young blood onto the scene. It's an untapped market at the moment (even if it is 'hip with the kids').
Basically the situation is this. There's an artists exhibition that goes down in London - it has a attendance of 15 thousand or so and is filled by major art suppliers, card manufactures and stuff. Big shit, ya know? Heavy stuff.
Now this guy came to me asking about the community as a whole, something that I wrote a back story to about Anime Europe, Anime Artists UK and of course yourselves. He was talking about sponsorship deals, freebe artist materials and stuff... basically very good business.
I'm acting as the middleman here. This exhibition he wants to have 2 booths and a wall filled with artwork and it's all for free. He said we can pimp stuff and sell as much as we want and, here's the crushing blow here, as amazing an oppertunity this is to further myself and bring together an artist dream team or whatnot I know that I'm not really the person to make this as big as it deserves.
Which is why Keds, I've suggested that the entire exhibition space, the connections from it and the success it will bring should be given to Sweatdrop and Sweatdrop alone.
For me it's a very personal decision to make - I've always seen as Sweatdrop as something of the most inspiration place on the net for UK artists to gather. I've always watched in awe at the tallent that came from this place and maybe one day I'll be good enough to contribute but that is only a dream at the mo.
I helped form Wildercon because I believed in repaying a debt to a community which I adore.
I consider this gesture to be the part of that repayment to Sweatdrop Studios.
If you want this then I'll pass on the details to you both and you can take it from there. This is a massive oppertunity which will be very benificial to both parties. I want Sweatdrop to become bigger and better and carry on being what it is to hundreds upon hundreds of people.
Pure inspiration.
Many thanks for your time,
Chris (aka Mogchan)
Very very sappy. So why am I dwelling on this? I'm not too sure. As I mentioned to him later it's not about the money... There is such a thing as 'being out of your depth' and 'doing the right thing' - it was going to be big which is why I was shaking after the guy told me what he wanted...
I think I just wanted a couple of people to be aware. I don't want an award or a song and a dance but even though I don't have the time for cons and very VERY few meets... I think I want a few people to see that I do care and that hey - I'm not a bastard all the time.
I do have my uses.