Colours part Three (Doctor Who crossover)

Apr 01, 2011 21:27

Title: Colours (Part Three)
Author: mogamus_ii
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Finn/Kurt
Spoilers: Up to Furt (AU from there on)
Warnings:  AU (telepathic!Kurt). I started this a while ago, and assumed that Kurt was living at Dalton.
Summary:  Crossover with Doctor Who. A strange man tries to stop Kurt going to Dalton. The Warblers are not what they seem. Finn is struggling with strange feelings for his stepbrother and really doesn’t know how to deal with Kurt’s suddenly cold behavior.

Previous parts: 1| 2| 3

Finn dreamt again.

Dark. Dark. Dark. Everything, it was all…couldn’t…his double, what?...Burt and Carole and…bow ties and silly hair, can’t do this…colours. Everywhere, everything is colours in his head… he feels greenterrifiedgreenorangepainorange…

‘Finn, where are you?’

Finn awoke suddenly, stomach lurching, heart pounding. Faint echoes of pain made his limbs twitch and it took him a moment to realize that the dark was because it was the middle of the night and he was in bed.

What was happening to him?

The dreams got worse after that.

Most people wouldn’t have guessed that Math was Finn’s favourite class. It was true that he wasn’t particularly good at it, but Finn had discovered early on that the class teacher either couldn’t tell if his students were asleep, or he didn’t care. Finn always took advantage of this. However, Mr Johnson most definitely did notice when Finn awoke with a shriek, scrabbling upright in his chair with shuddering breaths.

‘He’s dreaming about Hummel!’ A jock across the room yelled.

‘’Yeah, I would have nightmares if I had to share a house with that freak,’ another guy agreed. Finn kicked his chair leg angrily as he passed by, and stormed out of the door.

Then, three days after his trip to Dalton, it happened.

He’d been feeling on edge all day, twitchy, jumping at every unexpected sound and accompanied by an endless ache and a numbness in his limbs.

He was late for Glee and slumping down in a chair in the choir room with a groan, he pressed his fingers to his temple in an attempt to alleviate a growing headache.

He shut his eyes for five seconds. Literally, five seconds, and for five seconds-

Can’t…no…stop it…tired-

He opened his eyes, feeling shocked and a little disorientated. He looked around, but all the others were just behaving normally, laughing and chatting and complaining about workloads and parents. No mention of hearing voices. Maybe he was going mad?

After that, it happened all the time. Split seconds when he blinked, longer when he sneezed and closing his eyes for more than thirty seconds was almost unbearable. His dreams were all full of that voice, a mumbling, incoherent monologue that haunted Finn where ever he was, all the time.

People were starting to notice the way he jumped and fidgeted, notice the circles that, after three days of what he decided must be hell, had appeared under his eyes.

Things came to a head when someone clamped their hands over Finn’s eyes with a breathy ‘guess who!’

It was Rachel, his brain noted numbly, before the inevitable onslaught of stop…help…where… please…

Finn pushed Rachel away and ran.

He ran for… well, it felt like hours and it probably was. Mustn’t sleep, he thought, because he couldn’t handle this. Eventually, exhausted, he found himself wandering up to his front door.

When it got too late in the evening for him to still be up playing video games without invoking the wrath of his mom, he went down to the basement. But he didn’t get into bed because then he would sleep and he couldn’t, he mustn’t sleep. So he paced, endlessly, up and down, down and up, corner to corner. Don’t sleep, don’t sleep. Every time he blinked it was bad enough.

The room started to get overwhelmingly stuffy at about one AM. The heat made Finn feel sleepy, so he opened one of the high up windows, the small draft of night air enough to wake him up a little.

Outside. He had to go outside.

The cold air was like a slushie to the face and Finn was instantly no longer drowsy. He leant against the tree in the Hummels’- in his front yard, taking deep breath and trying not to blink too often.

Something moved in the dark and a figure stepped out onto the grass in front of him. Finn frowned.

‘Excuse me? Dude, isn’t that like, trespass?’

The boy stepped forward and Finn realised that he was wearing a Dalton Blazer.


But he already knew that it wasn’t Kurt, he had the wrong build, shorter and stockier.

As Finn’s eyes adjusted to the weak orange light that a streetlight cast across the lawn, he realised that the boy was not alone, at least five others stood behind him, completely still in the gloom.

The boy opened his mouth to speak, but when he did several voices all echoed in unison.

‘Finn Hudson.’

‘Okay, that was seriously creepy,’ Finn said weakly.

‘Finn Hudson is too curious for his own good,’ the Dalton boys said in chorus, ‘he will stop, or we will stop him.’

‘Where is Kurt?’ Finn asked angrily.

‘Kurt Hummel is ours. He belongs to us. He will be our salvation.’

The boys took a step forward and Finn recognised them as members of the Warblers. An observation that, ultimately, did not change the situation or help in any way. Add that to the fact that despite Finn being about twice the height of any of the Dalton boys, they would win by sheer number if it came to a fight, and Finn was, ultimately, screwed.

‘I just don’t get how you escape with just something little like a busted lip every time,’ Finn said, dabbing at Kurt’s aforementioned busted lip with a tissue- no, sorry, ‘moist towlette’. ‘If the hockey team all attacked me at once I’d be…pulped.’

Kurt sighed, ‘that, Finn Hudson, is because you have no idea how to utilize the one true defence mechanism a victim like myself has,’

‘’Uh…I’m going to go with a ‘what?’’

‘Your legs, Frankenteen. I run away. Very fast,’ Kurt said, patting Finn’s thigh in what was definitely an inappropriate way, but Finn didn’t mention it because…well, just because.

So as the boys in blazers bore down on him, Finn utilized his mechanism, or whatever. Or he would have, if he hadn’t turned to run in the opposite direction and found himself surrounded.

‘Oh,’ he said, and looked around desperately for something, for anything, because Kurt had never mentioned any other secret defences and the ‘one true’ bit made it sound like there actually wasn’t another one.

He was going to die.

Finn braced himself, and thought optimistically that at least now his tryst with Santana was worth something, because at least now he wouldn’t die a virgin.

His final moments were interrupted by a high pitched squealing sound that filled the air and Finn watched in fascinated horror as the Dalton students in front of him began to melt. Or dissolve. Or disintegrate. Or another word that meant turn into sludge. All around him Warblers were hissing and sludgifying, falling to the grass that turned a dead brown colour when the slime touched it.

Stunned and relieved by this delay in his impending death, Finn prodded the warbler-sludge with the toe of his sneaker.

‘You probably shouldn’t do that.’

A man appeared, ambling out from behind Carole’s car, holding a box that appeared to be making the noise that hurt Finn’s ears.

And the strangest thing about this situation was not the noise-making-box, or the dissolving, or the bow tie, but the fact that Brittany was there as well, trotting along at the box-man’s heels like a happy, blonde puppy.

The remaining Warblers, some missing an ear, or a limb, utilized their secret defence mechanisms and ran. Finn watched them go with a vague sense of triumph, despite the fact that he hadn’t had anything to do with their leaving. He had survived.

‘Hah, just the right frequency. I told you, Brittany, noise!’ The man clapped his hands together and bounced on his toes.

‘And you must be Finn Hudson. Hello Finn, I’m the Doctor and you’re very lucky that your classmate and I were wandering the streets of Lima in the early hours of what,’ he cocked his head to the side and sniffed, ‘is going to be a cold day with the odd rain shower, if I’m not mistaken. Which I won’t be, I never am. Except occasionally, or so I’m told.’

Then he was off, striding across the garden and heading towards a large blue box that Finn was sure wasn’t usually standing on the sidewalk just there. Brittany grabbed Finn by the arm and towed the confused boy along with her.

‘Wait, what? Who are you? Where are we going?’ Finn asked, feeling dazed and a little queasy.

The Doctor twisted a key in the lock of the box before hesitating and glancing back at Finn.

‘This is my TARDIS. Take a good look at the outside now, it will save you coming back out into the cold.’ Finn didn’t really understand what he meant until he stepped inside, then his head started aching with impossibility, because this was impossible, right? All this size and light and colour and…beauty.

The Doctor was looking at him as if he expected him to talk.

‘Kurt,’ Finn said.

This was obviously not what the Doctor was expecting because he looked a little surprised for a moment.


‘Kurt, those bo- those things, they’ve taken him somewhere. What were they, anyway?’

‘Replacements,’ The Doctor said absently as he twisted dials and pulled levers on the central consoles, ‘for the students. Brittany told me about Kurt. I’m sorry.’

‘Why are you sorry?’ Finn asked, dread and fear building inside him.

‘There are…aliens, running Dalton academy. They want to rule the Earth, to use this planet as a base to expand, but they aren’t powerful enough. So they’re biding their time until they find a power source they can work with and for now…’ and he looked so sad, even (and the word just popped into Finn’s head) anguished, and Finn didn’t know how that much emotion at that strength could fit all into one person all at once. And aliens? Really?

‘…for now,’ the Doctor said again, ‘they are using the students.’


‘As fuel. The students at Dalton. They drain them-’ he cut off, possibly noticing that Finn’s sudden green tinge wasn’t due to the lighting. ‘I’m sorry, Finn.’

‘No, wait!’ Finn said suddenly, almost unaware of what he expected the Doctor to wait for.

‘Kurt isn’t dead!’ And he really liked this man, because the Doctor wasn’t giving him a ‘your opinion is redundant because of your stupidity’ look like most people did. Instead he was listening, his eyes reflecting the spark of hope in Finn’s own.

‘One of the replacements said that Kurt is their salvation, or something like that and that he…he belongs to them.’

‘He’s right,’ said a voice from the TARDIS door. A young woman stood there, red hair tangled and messy, dark smudges on her face.

‘Ah, Pond, good,’ the Doctor clapped his hands again, ‘Amy, this is Finn, Finn, Amy. Amy has been wandering off by herself again. I did tell her not to, but she never listens.’

‘Well ‘scuse me,’ Amy huffed, scrubbing at one of the marks on her cheek, ‘I don’t suppose you want to hear what these alien boys said about Kurt being kept back in that fancy school, then?’

Brittany beamed. Finn thought that maybe he’d fallen asleep and this was just a bizarre, crazy dream.

‘Right,’  the Doctor said again. ‘I think we need to get over to Dalton and sort this whole mess ou-’



Next thing Finn knew, he was lying on his back on the TARDIS floor.

‘Interesting. Very, very interesting,’ the Doctor said, bending over him.

‘Whuh?’ Finn said, sitting up slowly. ‘Kurt…I heard Kurt…’

The Doctor prodded Finn’s temple.

‘The TARDIS must’ve found some element of telepathy and amplified- Finn! Tell me, and answer truthfully because if your answer is yes then Kurt is very much in trouble.’

‘Tell you what?’ Finn almost yelled.

‘Are you entirely, every little bit of you, completely human?’

finn/kurt, glee, fanfiction

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