Fic: Colours part two (Doctor Who crossover)

Mar 23, 2011 21:30

Title: Colours (Part Two)
Author: mogamus_ii
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Finn/Kurt
Spoilers: Up to Furt (AU from there on)
Warnings:  AU (telepathic!Kurt). I started this a while ago, and assumed that Kurt was living at Dalton.
Summary:  Crossover with Doctor Who. A strange man tries to stop Kurt going to Dalton. The Warblers are not what they seem. Finn is struggling with strange feelings for his stepbrother and really doesn’t know how to deal with Kurt’s suddenly cold behavior. 
   Part one here

'Screw this, I'm going to Dalton,’ Finn said the next morning when he woke up to find Burt angrily clashing pans in the kitchen. Carole told him in hushed tones that Burt and Kurt had had a fight that morning that ended in Kurt leaving with harsh words and a vow never to return.

'I don't know if going after him right now is a good idea,' she said hesitantly and Finn wasn't sure if it wasn't a good idea because of Kurt or because she was scared he'd want to transfer there too.

'I'm going,' he said, and he went.

It wasn't a particularly interesting or eventful drive over to Dalton Academy, so Finn had and unfortunate amount of time to think. Mostly, he thought about Kurt.

'I don't really want to go,' Kurt confessed, staring down at his impeccably shined boots.

'I don't want you to go,' Finn echoed, the wide, yawning space of the basement between them. Finn could feel the ghost-Kurt from the wedding, warm and heavy in his arms as they danced. Reality Kurt turned to the large pink suitcase.

'I've got to, though. You understand that.' Finn did. But it was a statement, not a question, so he said nothing.

Burt was driving Kurt to Dalton, despite his insistence that Kurt take the navigator.

'There's not enough parking space, dad. I'm sure there's a bus or something.'

Finn watched his stepdad throw the case into the back of the car. Kurt hadn't quite closed the passenger door, his foot hung out through the gap. He stared through the glass up to the house ad Finn stared back.

'Ready to go?' Burt's voice was a little gruff. Kurt nodded, and then shook his head.

'I forgot something.' He flung the door open and leapt out. Finn had never seen him run so fast. Kurt almost winded him as they collided and Finn wrapped his arms tightly around the smaller boy. He had to scrunch up his eyes so that the tears wouldn't escape.

It was stupid. It wasn’t as if Kurt was leaving forever.

Dalton was big.  Finn hesitated at the school gates; it was really, really big.

How was he supposed to find Kurt here?

For some reason Finn felt like he really, really didn't want anyone to see him, so he didn't go inside. He crept around the outside of the building, sneaking quick looks through the low windows. The first thing that struck him about the school was that all the boys looked the same in their uniforms, all standing around or sitting neatly on the sofas that dotted the richly furnished rooms. Finn wandered around another corner, wondering why he was doing this when he had no plan at all, when he fell over someone crouching on the ground. They seemed to be trying to look like part of the flower bed.

Finn did a double take.


She looked up at him and made a shushing gesture with her finger on her lips and then gave him a little wave.

'What are you doing here?' Finn whispered and knelt down next to her, feeling moisture from the damp grass soak through the knees of his jeans.

'I'm waiting for Kurt,' she said in a hushed voice, 'the Doctor told me I would find him here.'

'Which doctor? Doctor Howell? Brit, I told you Kurt was here,' Finn said, but Brittany just smiled dazzlingly at him.

'He said that he would come out of the door.'

'Which door?' Finn asked, deciding that it was probably best for his sanity just to humor her. This situation was seriously surreal.

'That door.' Brittany was pointing at a plain brick wall. Finn frowned.

'There's no door there, Brit,' he said. She just sighed and suddenly stood up.

'Brittany, what are you doing?' Finn hissed as she ran across to the wall. The blonde girl reached out a hand to grab something that was most definitely not there, twisting and...

There was a door. Aged grey metal, Brittany's hand grasping the black handle.

'See?' She said happily. Finn joined her.

'That was weird. This is really weird. I swear that door was there a moment ago...'

Brittany turned and went back to crouch in the flower bed. Finn glanced at her, then back at the door. He took a deep breath.

'Brit, will you stay here and watch the door?'

''Yes. I'm waiting here for Kurt.' She put her head on one side when she looked at him, and she reminded him of Pavarotti, only not slimy and not possibly evil. He nodded and stepped through the door, into the darkness beyond.

He left the door open behind him in the hope that it would let some light into the dark room. It didn't really, but maybe he could see the shadows a little better. It was cold and damp in the room and Finn fumbled around the wall near the door for about five minutes, hoping for a light switch. He didn’t find one, but he did find a little alcove and fumbling in that his hand closed around something cold and plastic.

A torch. He'd never been gladder for something in his life.

Finn flicked the torch on and shone it around the room, illuminating three doors. The first door he tried was locked, but the second swung slowly open under his hand. Nervously, wondering why he didn't just give up and go home, he went through it and to his relief found himself in a dimly lit room. His relief vanished when he switched the torch off, turned around and saw the cage. Or, more importantly, who was in the cage.


He was lying on his back, asleep, unconscious or (and Finn refused to even consider this option for more than a split second) dead. One pale hand hung down through the bars and Finn grabbed it, squeezing and shaking in an attempt to wake him up. He didn't. But Finn noticed with some relief that his hand was warm. At least he was still alive.

'Kurt.' He leaned as close as he could with the cage bars in the way. 'Kurt, can you hear me? Wake up...'

Kurt didn't wake up but he did shift in his sleep, turning his head. His lips parted in a small sigh.

'What have they done to you?' Finn whispered, holding the soft, limp hand and squeezing it gently. Kurt didn’t respond.

Letting go of his hand, Finn rattled the bars of the cage in frustration.

‘There’s got to be a key around here somewhere,’ he said to Kurt as if the unconscious boy could hear him. He reached two fingers between the bars and petted Kurt’s hair.

‘I’ll be back in a minute. I promise.’

A quick check of the cage room turned up no way of releasing Kurt, so Finn made his way back into the room with three doors and tried the third. It was quite clear that there wouldn’t be a key in the room from the moment he opened the door. It was larger than the other rooms and pentagon shaped. In the centre stood a stone pedestal. Cautiously Finn approached it. The top was roughly carved into a bowl shape and filled with a deep black liquid, its glassy surface completely still. Finn could see his reflection looking back at him, mildly worried.

The surface began to bubble thickly, making soft splooping sounds and then, just as quickly as it began, it settled again. Finn froze, barely daring to breathe as something began to rise out of the viscous liquid.

A head, its wrinkled eyes closed and bulging and a gaping beak. Bedraggled wings were raised out of the black, slimy strings trailing. Finn took a step backwards, horrified. The thing was small enough to sit in the palm of his hand, a baby bird… a slimy terrifying baby bird that shrieked and flew at his face.

Black goop covered his eyes and nose and Finn grabbed desperately at the creature on his face, stumbling backwards. The stuff oozed down, into his mouth. He struggled, dropping to his knees.

He couldn’t breathe.

Fine wires ran through and under his skin, tingling and burning. There were voices but he couldn’t tell whether they were from people standing near him or if they were in his head.

He looked down at his hands and he must’ve been seeing things because they loked like they were glowing with a faint light.

‘He’s ready,’ said a voice that most definitely didn’t come from his head. Cold hands removed the wires and lifted him from the floor.


Finn woke up with a start, lying on his side on the cold damp grass outside Dalton Academy.

‘Oh, you’re awake!’ Brittany smiled and flicked her bangs from her eyes. ‘Kurt isn’t here at the moment.’

‘I know, he’s in the cage through the door-‘

‘How can he be in a cage?’ Brittany frowned. ‘I saw him just now. He dragged you out here and told me to leave as soon as you were awake. I think we’re supposed to go now, actually.’

‘No, I saw him,’ Finn said and jumped to his feet only feeling slightly woozy. ‘Brit, open the door again.’

The cheerleader did so, looking as puzzled as ever and Finn dashed back inside, heading straight for the cage room.

‘Kurt!’ he ran into the dimly lit room only to find the cage empty. Kurt was gone.

Back in the choir room, even Brittany was looking at Finn as though he was insane.

‘Look, I’m telling the truth, I swear!’

Rachel walked carefully over to him and put a small hand on his arm.

‘I’m sure you think you are, Finn. I know that you’re taking Kurt leaving really hard and I can understand that, but you have to accept that this is his choice.’

He wasn’t sure what was worse, that they thought he was making it up or that they thought he was crazy.

‘Fine,’ he snapped and walked away, slamming the choir room door behind him.

He stormed through the hallways and out into the parking lot. In need of something to vent his sudden anger on, he headed for the dumpsters and was about to kick one when he noticed the ipod.

It’s silver, bedazzled case looked familiar- Kurt. Kurt’s ipod, just lying there on the dumpster lid.

Finn reached out and picked it up, but dropped it reflexively when he felt the sticky surfce. Automatically Finn wiped his hand on his jacket. Pulling a face, he looked at his hand. And then looked again, and then at his jacket.

That thick black inky substance like on Pavarotti, like in the room with the pedestal, the stuff that made Finn’s skin crawl and his brain scream ‘wrong, wrong, wrong!’ He ripped of his jacket with trembling hands and threw it in the dumpster. Slamming the lid down hard, he ran for his car.

And a small yellow bird with beady black eyes watched from its perch as he pulled out of the parking lot, heading for home.

finn/kurt, glee, fanfiction

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