Jul 01, 2004 22:54
so it's i wrote that long personal entry..and when i first wrote it I was timid about everyone knowing my business and all that jazz...but after thinking about it and reading it over....i don't give a shit...i am who i am..i feel what i feel...and if you don't fucking like it...don't read it...simple as that...talk about me til your blue in the face...have fun with it...but one thing I'll always be...is myself....fuck that fake shit act...that a lot of people pride themselves on being able to fool someone...is that something to be proud of....no....no it's not....didn't get to talk much today to Mir....but....we had a bit of a misunderstanding..it will get straightened out soon though...he was so sweet this morning....he's sweet every morning....can i really be this blessed...this happy...i am kind of in a stupor...like i'm so happy with a lot in my life...especially Mir....but I miss my grandmother....but Mir....somehow as long as I'm with him..i can handle those ups and downs, those twists in the road...all the pain and anything else that comes along....as long as i have him.....i'm good to go... love you Mir Waiss....more later gang.../smooches\