A second stab at videography

Mar 06, 2010 16:31

The last time I attached a cam­era to my remote con­trolled car the major prob­lem, from my per­spect­ive, was that it was too bumpy, to the point of not being able to see any­thing, really. The solu­tion to this is two-​​fold:
  1. Do it on pave­ment instead of snow.
  2. Attach the cam­era more securely.

Since it’s been crazy nice lately - 4º for the past couple days - we’ve had a lot of dry pave­ment com­ing out, so I took the camera/​car com­bin­a­tion out again today. I attached the cam­era dir­ectly to the chassis with the help of a styro­foam shim, rather than to the body like I did last time.

image Click to view

It star­ted off prom­ising! Up until the last ten seconds I think it counts as a mod­est suc­cess! There’s not so much boun­cing and you can actu­ally see what’s going on.

Sadly, those last ten seconds…yeah, I turned left when I should have turned right. It not only knocked the cam­era off, but it knocked the con­trol­ler off the chassis. The design of the car is rather stu­pid in this regard: the con­trol­ler is just can­ti­levered, held in by adhes­ive, in my case super glue. I’ll re - super glue it and see if I can’t try again tomorrow.

My ulti­mate plan was to take it off some sweet jumps. Now I’m won­der­ing if the cam­era will sur­vive the trip: it was just held in place by the afore­men­tioned styro­foam shim and some duct tape. I’ll try it with more duct tape and see if I can’t get it to sur­vive a jump tomorrow.

Originally published at Wizardlike research. You can comment here or there.

remote controlled car, silly

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