French Frie-day. Shatterday. such adventures.

Mar 28, 2004 21:22

Friday Friday Friday. The day that everyone so eagerly looks forward to at the beginning of each dragging hagging nagging week. Last Friday I was sick as a bitch. There was no place I wanted to be other than in my sweet bed sleeping. I managed to survive however, and had a quite splendid evening with Jennifer and Ms. Joslin (the French teacher from school) Our original plan was to go to a French movie in Carytown, Her, Jennifer, Jennifer's Mom, and myself. However things never go as planned, because then hell would be forced to freeze over. Jennifer's Dad burned his legs and had to go to the hospital, therefore Momma was out of the picture. A bigass fire in Richmond caused for delays in our traveling, which wasnt all bad...We drove under a toll, I yelled at hot we ended up kicking it at a cafe and walking around for a while. It was madd great hoochie mama fun though. Ms. Josssslin is like one of us, she practically is, seeing as how she is only 24.

Shitterday. Chili Cookoff baybay. Saturday ruled my vagina like a horse. I met the members of Ima Robot (who is my new obsession, AND I GOT TO TOUCH THE DRUMMERS HAIR!!!! <3<3<3<3), Fuel, Hoobastank (cream), and Braking Benjamin....That day...yeah it was pretty much like an endless orgasm. Loads of fun and weed.

And now we are left with Sunday. Sunday sucks ass. it should be called Suckday. I managed to escape the forceful attendance of church in the morning, and slept untill around 1130. I was then awakened and showered the dirtiness away. After the madre returned from religious excursions we jumped in the van and I drove to the Longwood University Art Center whatever, and mingled with teachers and other artists yay. I had a pastel of cherries on display. I thought some of the primary school art was better than mine. But I suppose all artists feel that way. Man, there is nothing i hate more than GAYla events such as those, not to mention how it was about 202834 degreez in there. Entonces I went to wal*mart with Danielle, we met hot hot hot boys. One was named Petey, and he has a cutey brother. We are devising plans as you read to hook up with them this weekend.

And now reality sets in.
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