Improving Perfection - Chapter 21

Jun 02, 2013 20:31

Title: Improving Perfection (Bittersweet 3)
Author:  moffel83
Pairing: Domlijah of course
Rating: NC 17 (for the complete series)
Summary: Dom, Elijah and Luke are a happy family. Can they improve that perfection? And will trying to improve it maybe put what they have in danger?
Disclaimer:  As far as I know this is not true! It's all just in my head;)  This story is an Mpreg and Mpreg doesn't exist in real life.
Author's Note:Thanks to my lovely beta spikessweetgirl
Chapter: 21/22
Word count: 2508

Previous chapters

”Jesus Christ,” Elijah pressed out as another contraction hit him and Dom could do nothing but hold his hand and be there for him, as he talked Elijah through it and tried to distract him as much as he could from a pain he knew himself there was no distraction from.

“It’ll be over soon, baby…it’ll be over soon,” Dom soothed Elijah, gently wiping away the sweat from his forehead.

”Fuck,” Elijah panted heavily, looking at Dom with an accusing stare. “Why did I ever let you talk me into this?”

Dom thought it wiser not to point out the whole truth right that moment, thinking that Elijah might not appreciate it if Dom contradicted him now and pointed out that they had made this decision together and that Elijah had wanted this baby as much as Dom had. He just looked at Elijah and continued holding his hand.

“God, I want this to be over,” Elijah sighed once he had his breathing back under control and had made it through yet another wave of pain.

”It’s going to be over soon, Lighe and then you won’t feel any pain anymore. I promise,” Dom whispered and for once Elijah knew it wasn’t just an empty promise. Dom had been there, had been at the exact point Elijah was now and Dom knew what it was like. So if Dom said it would get better and the pain would be over soon, Elijah believed him.

”Can’t wait for it,” Elijah admitted weakly, looking at Dom and squeezing his hand slightly. Dom had been great so far. He hadn’t left his side for a single minute and they had already been there for several hours now, it being way past midnight and yet Dom had been there with him during every single contraction, had held his hand, had held him, had wiped away his sweat and had encouraged him, had told him how proud he was of the way Elijah was handling all the pain and had told him that he loved him again and again. Elijah was glad that Dom was by his side right that moment because he just knew deep inside that he wouldn’t have been able to do this on his own. He needed Dom by his side and he needed Dom’s support and comfort and he was glad he had it.

“Just wait till they give you the good stuff…you won’t even be able to see clearly after you get it,” Dom joked. “You're making me quite envious here.”

”Wanna change positions? I wouldn’t mind being in your place right now,” Elijah chuckled, looking at Dom hopefully.

”You know? I am actually quite looking forward to seeing things from this perspective for once,” Dom replied and Elijah pulled his head down to his own, kissing Dom quickly before allowing him to pull back.

”Yeah, I feared you’d say that.”

A doctor came up to them, once more checking Elijah’s vitals and checking the heartbeat of the baby and when the nurse informed him about the continuity of the contractions, he finally deemed it time to get the caesarean going.

”Thank fucking God,” Elijah sighed, sinking his head back against the pillow and sighing in relief. Dom squeezed his hand as the doctor informed him of what would happen next.

It didn’t even take two minutes until an anaesthesiologist was with them and explained to them what kind of medication Elijah would be given and what the effects would be. It was planned that he’d be given medication to ensure the lower half of his body was numb, while he was still alert and awake for the birth of the baby.

Dom and Elijah already knew all that from Dom’s c-section, but still listened to the doctor anyway until he gave Elijah the medication and relief went through Elijah at the knowledge that soon the pain would be gone and it wouldn’t take long anymore until he would be able to see and hold their baby for the first time.

After preparing the room where the c-section was to take place, Elijah was given the medication and prepared for the actual surgery with the shaving of the top section of his pubic hair. After all of that had been done, Elijah was wheeled off to an operating room while Dom walked beside him, held on to his hand and encouraged him the whole time, telling him that soon all would be over and they’d be with their baby.

Elijah looked at Dom and nodded, a smile spreading on his face, looking forward to the moment he’d see his baby for the first time. He still remembered how special it had been when Luke had been born and how he had felt at seeing the doctors pull him out of Dom’s womb, how special it had been to hear his first cry and to be told that he was okay and to hold him and he couldn’t wait to experience that once again, knowing that this time it would be just as special, if not even more because this time the baby would come out of him, would have been carried by him and he would for the first time in nine months be able to not only feel it and see it on ultrasound pictures, but to hold it with his own hands and see it in all its glory. He couldn’t wait for that moment to come and thinking about it made happy tears come to his eyes.

“Hey, hey, hey…no crying now,” Dom whispered, gently wiping away the tears and leaning down to Elijah, touching his forehead with his own. “The worst is behind you and it’ll only be a few more minutes.”

”I know,” Elijah smiled, ignoring the tears and just looked into Dom’s eyes, feeling the special connection with him that they had always shared. “I just can’t wait, I guess.”

”Neither can I, baby. Neither can I,” Dom whispered before he was addressed by a nurse who told him that he would have to get into operation room garb or he wouldn’t be allowed into the operation room.

“I’ll just go and get dressed, baby, okay? I’ll be right back with you and don’t you dare start without me, you hear me?” Dom said, leaving a kiss on Elijah’s temple and feeling him squeeze his hand in return.

“Okay. Hurry.”

”I will,” Dom nodded before he let go of Elijah’s hand and followed the nurse to a dressing room by the side of the hallway where he was handed operation room garb that he quickly put on before he was led back to the operation room where Elijah was lying on the operation table, doctors and nurses around him, a screen having been raised above his waist.

”We’ll lower the screen once we’re about to get the baby, but this way you won’t have to see the incision being made,” the nurse explained to them and both Dom and Elijah nodded, before Dom was shown to a place next to Elijah’s head where he was told to sit down on a chair which he immediately did, once again brushing his hand through Elijah’s sweaty hair.

”Are you okay, baby?” Dom asked, looking at Elijah beneath him who nodded back in reply.

After all the preparations had been finished, the doctor swabbed Elijah’s lower abdomen with an antiseptic and a small, horizontal incision was made where the top of his pubic hair had previously been shaved off. Dom was able to look past the screen if he leaned back a bit and was able to follow the proceedings with quite an interested look on his face.

“Everything okay?” Elijah asked, watching Dom’s face, it being the only indication he had on what was happening.

”You’re right. It is a lot of blood,” Dom winked before leaning back and focusing his attention on Elijah. “Better keep my head here if I don’t want to faint within the next minutes,” Dom chuckled and he was glad when he saw Elijah smile gently.

”You’ve always been such a sissy when it comes to blood.”

”I’ll look again when the interesting part starts,” Dom promised and stroked down Elijah’s cheek with his hand, listening to all the doctors said, but never leaving Elijah’s eyes with his own.

The doctor kept them informed about what he was doing, telling them about how he was cutting through the underlying tissue once the first cut had been made and how he was moving towards the uterus. He also told them when he was separating Elijah’s abdominal muscles, a point at which Dom made a face that was hard to interpret but looked slightly disgusted. Lastly he informed them that he was about to make a small horizontal cut in the lower section of the uterus, before he addressed the nurse a few seconds later and asked her to put down the screen so both Dom and Elijah could watch while he pulled out the baby.

At first only a small head appeared and then in one fluid motion the whole baby was out and both Dom and Elijah watched in fascination as they saw the baby move and a second or two later let out its first cry as it was placed on Elijah’s lower abdomen where it was dried off. Neither of them could avert their eyes from the baby as Dom was asked to cut the umbilical cord, before their baby was handed to a paediatrician who did a first quick check to see if everything was okay.

Both Dom’s and Elijah’s eyes followed the baby that was still crying and the cries of their baby sounded like music to both their ears, both knowing that it was a good sign that the baby was crying.

Dom was then led back to his place at Elijah’s head who was by now crying helplessly, feeling too emotional to care, all kinds of feelings running through him, the utmost one being love for that small being that he could still see being cleaned up and examined by the paediatrician.

As Dom sat down next to Elijah again, he leaned down and left a kiss on his forehead through his mask, feeling just as emotional as Elijah did and being able to remember how he had felt when Luke had been born, knowing exactly what kind of emotions ran through Elijah right that moment.

”It’s a boy,” Dom whispered, not sure if Elijah had been able to get a look, gently stroking through his hair. “A boy,” he said once more, his eyes shining with his own tears as he looked at Elijah’s eyes, a silent conversation going on between them, both of them totally ignoring what the doctors and nurses were doing, who were busy delivering the placenta and working on stitching Elijah up again. Neither of them noticed though, because all they could do was stare at each other from happy eyes and look over to where their baby was now swaddled in a light blue blanket. They only had eyes for each other and their new baby and not a word was spoken, their eyes doing all the talking that was needed.

Dom could see the happiness and joy and most of all the relief in Elijah’s eyes and he knew that Elijah could see the same in his eyes, but more than anything, they both saw love for each other and the small boy now being brought back to them by a smiling nurse, knowing that they’d love him for the rest of their lives just as they loved Luke.

They both looked up at the nurse who carefully handed the now silent baby to Dom, informing them that so far everything looked very well and that they had a very healthy boy.

Dom looked at the small bundle in his arms, trying to take in that this small being had been created by both him and Elijah, not caring about the tears streaming down his face at the happiness and love he was feeling right that moment. He turned towards Elijah, holding out the baby to him so he could see, while the doctors were still working on him, but neither of them paid them any attention, being too focused on the small boy in Dom’s arms.

“Say hi to your papa,” Dom whispered to the baby as Elijah looked at it, taking everything in before moving his free hand towards the baby and gently stroking its head and cheek. “Hey little one...,” he whispered through his tears before he smiled when he saw the baby open his eyes. Elijah chuckled through his tears and smiled at the baby. “I am your Papa and that’s your Daddy holding you,” he said and had a feeling that it would be hours before he’d get rid of that silly smile again.

Never averting his eyes from his small son, Dom spoke up. “We have to name him. What name do you think would be fitting for this small fella here?”

Elijah looked from Dom to the baby and back and then whispered. “Benjamin. I think Ben would be nice.”

Dom nodded in agreement. “Yeah, Benjamin sounds nice. I like that.”

”What name do you want? We should each choose one like we did with Luke,” Elijah said and Dom liked the idea. Luke had gotten two names, one being chosen by each of them and he liked to do the same with Benjamin.

“Hmmmm, I always kind of liked Alexander, too. How about Benjamin Alexander?” Dom suggested and he smiled when he saw Elijah nod.

”That’s nice. I like that.”

”Well, welcome to the world Benjamin Alexander Wood-Monaghan. May your life be as happy as you just made ours,” Dom whispered before he placed a small kiss on the baby’s forehead.

Both Dom and Elijah admired little Benjamin for a few more minutes before the paediatrician came over with a nurse and informed them that he would need to take away the baby for a few more examinations, but that he would be given back to them by the time Elijah had been wheeled to his room, while the nurse informed them that the doctors were done stitching Elijah up and that he was going to be wheeled to his room soon, giving Dom the time to inform their families in the meantime.

They both nodded and Dom, quite reluctantly, handed back the baby to the doctor, before looking down at Elijah. “I better go and tell Billy and everyone else. I’ll see you once you’re in your room, okay? I love you, baby!”

“I love you, too,” Elijah whispered as he nodded and looked after Dom while he was led out of the room.

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