Asian issues

Feb 15, 2005 21:25

why is it that the people i seem to have issues with at school are always Asian girls? it's been the same way since high school. i mean overall im a pretty friendly, approachable person but there are some people that i just cant get along with. maybe it's competitiveness and we just judge each other more harshly than we judge others. or maybe because we have more contact with each other than we do with other girls. maybe we see ourselves when we face each other and we dont like what we see.

not that i'm not friends with Asian girls. a lot of my friends are, actually. but the ones i cant stand (and the feeling's quite mutual) usually fall under this category. not to say that it's entirely the other person's fault. afterall, we see ourselves differently from what other people see. still, i wish it didnt have to be this way.

my sister's in middle school right now, and the other day she said, "i hate it when Chinese kids hate on Chinese kids." apparently there's this kid in her homeroom that gives her a dirty look whenever she says hi. not that she knows him, she just says hi 'cos that's her duty as homeroom leader. so i mean usually, there'd be no reason for him to be rude right? so why does she get a vibe like that? is it because this kid's just rude, plain and simple? what if my sister werent Asian? would he give the same dirty look to a Hispanic girl?

there was this Viet boy in my 5th grade class. he always went out of his way to make fun of me, which i really couldnt fathom. remember--this is elementary school--so if you were caught talking to someone of the opposite sex, you'd immediately get made fun of. so like...was it a defense mechanism? was he afraid we'd be grouped together 'cos we were both Asian, so he went out of his way to make sure that didnt happen? is it easier to say "im not one of them" instead of sticking together? do we have anything real to gain from it?

i dont understand it. are we so insecure as to shun our own people in public as if to make a point?

this may offend some--but i really want to know: for those of you who are part Chinese part Vietnamese and feel closer ties to Vietnamese culture, is it because you're not half-half and actually have "more" of one culture in your blood? is it because the head of the family (which ever parent it may be) was Vietnamese, and so the family chose to follow that tradition?

i ask because people who are Chinese/Vietnamese always seem offended when someone calls them Chinese, but never when someone calls them Vietnamese. is this a denial of one culture? because i rarely hear the response to be "im only part Chinese; im also part Vietnamese." what i usually hear is something along the lines of "not ALL of us are Chinese. im Vietnamese." to what do we owe this denial?

to be quite honest, i'm not quite sure how i feel about that. frankly, im bothered by it and a bit more than borderline offended. we rat on people who are part white part Asian telling people that they're white without mentioning the Asian part. why is this any different?
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