Oct 16, 2008 00:42
So my mom is a freak! god.
School was so so I got really mad at people today because yesterday after school for artclub we sidewalk chalked a huge picture of the mona lisa and fucking today people spilled things on it and were fucking stepping on it! those assholes then Caitlyn totally told them off it was hillarious! =) it made my day. Then i came home and my mom was being all weird and I got onto the computer and my lj was amazing! *<3 karen!!* then Anya came to my house so I could drive her home and then I just ended up staying over there and we ate watermelon and talked and then went and watched tv for awhile. After awhile we got hungry and bored. Thusly leading us to drive to Wendys and finally going to Raineys house from there we were going to go out but her dad was being a duche and wouldnt let her go out so we just chilled there and played truth or dare but it was more truth than dare lol. it was chill. then my sister texts me and says "mom wants you home" which is weird because she usually doesnt care if i stay out unless its a school night and tonight isnt because we dont have school tomorrow or friday!! yay! I ♥ UEA!! woot woot. 4 day weekend. so yes. it was weird so when i finally came home no one was even awake. lol so now im watching Across The Universe!! I love his movie. But now im going to go. I love you all.