Aug 25, 2008 20:56
So today was my first day of school it was okay. kind of boring as usual.
I got 2 lunches though.
Started out with Grammer-Vocab. its okay. didnt do any thing but we did talk about a really cool poem from the orginal Alice in Wonderland it was really cool. i think that i am going to read it.
then i went to my second class Web design which was also boring.
then now that we have two lunches and the teacher i had, had his lunch changed. Mrs. Blanco and Mrs. anderson left so he was now full time because they orginally gave him 1st lunch so he could come over from hillcrest to murray during lunch but now he is 2nd lunch so the vast majority of our class was gone and Anya is in my class. (yay! im not the only girl!) So my computer programing class was 30 minutes long haha then we went to lunch again and i came back to the school late because Mijin is herself and told us the wrong time. and in Photo i felt so smart. i knew like every answer he asked! yay! lol and that was my day.
well im going to go to bed.