Chuck Ass should DIE IN A FIRE!!!!!!1

May 03, 2011 22:05

Okay I need to rant about this before I break something. So last night's Gossip kind of not the big problem here. The Chair diehards' reactions to it is. I was watching a YouTube video about last nights ep and started reading the comments, and I got so mad at the Chair fans. I saw a Chair fan talking about that scene, you know the one, ( Read more... )

a white blank page and swelling raaaaaaa, chuck/blair, serena van der woodsen, gossip girl, nate archibald, i hope a crack in the world opens up and, blair waldorf, rant

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teruel_a_witch May 3 2011, 23:49:43 UTC
Ugh, GG is too ugly and annoying and WTF to discuss it in great detail but let me just say I agree, OMG, Chuck you are a horrible human being and deserve to be put down and Serena you have always kinda annoyed me but you just passed all limits.

And what is worse, I can see what they are doing with Chuck, they are going for Sympathy Overkill again so that would people feel sorry for him being all alone and sad and it makes me sick,ugh, I have a hunch they would just make Blair get together with him AGAIN. brr

I don't understand their logic.
They don't have it obviously. Also, there must be something deeply, deeply wrong with them if they advocate Chuck at this point.


moeexyz May 4 2011, 18:10:32 UTC
I hate the way they're trying to pass him off as some hurt romantic lead, and him and Blair as the epic love story. I have a feeling they're gonna try and have Blair go back to him because their love and the history between them conquers all. It's sick.

I've seen him get compared to Heathcliff and Rhett Butler, and the Beast from Beauty and the Beast. In what universe is Chuck anything like those men?


teruel_a_witch May 4 2011, 19:37:56 UTC
Yes, the writers are basically justifying an abusive relationship! Chuck gave me chills from the first episode but then I thought he changed and became better but it seems that he really is as horrible as he was in the episode 1. And I'm so sick and tired of their dragging and repetitive Chair dynamic,ugh.

I'm not very familiar with Heathcliff or Rhett, but from what I know, Rhett definitely not, Heathcliff sounds close (just because Heathcliff is compared to Edward Cullen,lol) but still Chuck is the worst. And it's a sacrilege to compare him with Disney.


moeexyz May 4 2011, 20:22:20 UTC
the writers are basically justifying an abusive relationship!
Exacxtly, that's the worst part. They're basically saying this is okay, this is love which anyone with common sense can see it isn't.

I have to admit I was the biggest Chair shipper back in the day. I'm pretty grossed out by them now though, thank god.


teruel_a_witch May 4 2011, 20:32:56 UTC
anyone with common sense can see it isn't.
So it appears not many people are blessed with it.

Yeah, I remember you told me, but well they weren't THAT horrible in the beginning, I kind of liked them in the beginning of s3, even though I wasn't particularly favouring them before, I'm really not a fan of love/hate relationships (which what I've always seen Jeff/Britta as too, on much lighter scale but still, they bicker way too much for it to be healthy in a relationship) I liked them when I was in my early teens, I guess, but then I found that I love best friends/partners that tease each other affectionately much more.


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