Fic: Everything You Do is Super Duper Cute And I Can't Stand It (44/?)

Mar 27, 2011 15:49

Fandom: Community
Title: Everything You Do is Super Duper Cute And I Can't Stand It.
Character/Pairing(s): Jeff, Annie, Jeff/Annie
Rating: PG
Summary: Stolen moments from every episode between Jeff and Annie.
Disclaimer: I sadly do not own Community or Pulp Fiction.
A/N - For Critical Film Studies. Previous chapters can be found at the Chapter Directory.

Silence )

jeff winger, annie edison, community, jeff/annie, fanfic

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teruel_a_witch March 30 2011, 20:09:14 UTC
Yes, he is such a great explosive performer, I love that the show gives him the opportunity to get out of the comedy box more this season and do some really emotional stuff (he rocked in the Documentary Filmmaking too, and well, always and everywhere)
And I love insecure!Jeff so much, every time the show makes him less cool and more human I fall in love with him just a little bit more, Vulnerable!Jeff afraid no one would like him without his looks? Aww, I so wished we had seen Annie telling him she would like him at any size ♥ He also admits that he's lonely, he isn't "too cool" for that notion any more, basically, deep down Jeff is terrified of being a Fat Neil, so this opens a whole new insight into why he was so anxious to help Neal. Sorry for ramblings *iz wordy*

And I've decided since I'm doing the whole secret feelings thing in this story Jeff might as well have at least one person on his side through all of this.
Yeah, the thing is I actually forgot about that (it's been a while) until I decided to reread the end of s1 and the beginning of s2 after rewatching Anthropology and Accounting a couple of days ago(I reread like 11 chapters because I couldn't stop myself) but even without me remembering that they are both almost far in love already in this story and Annie knows his feeling, all the recent chapters totally work anyway, this is why this fic is great,it can be enjoyed as separate moments for each episode and as parts in a whole big scale of events :D

I always pretend to look at my phone.
Yeah, I try to find any topic of conversation XD

It Crowd is my favourite British sitcom, definitely, I just rewatched all seasons this January, there so needs to be MOAR.
Heh, I actually watched the horrible US pilot just out of love for Joel and Richard *gg*


moeexyz March 30 2011, 21:54:13 UTC
YES! Documentary Film-making was one of my favourite Jeff episodes. Joel was wonderful in it. I also love the insecure!Jeff and vulnerable!Jeff. I just love when we find out something about him that's just so embarrassing and makes me want to laugh at him and hug him at the same time. I think it adds so much to the character.
And I also like it because it tends to make other people like Jeff more, and he's my favourite so naturally I want everyone to love him like I do.

This story was actually inspired by a Barney/Robin one some one did for How I Met Your Mother. And they did the same thing, and I loved how well it worked. I liked the idea of doing something like that. That can be a stand-alone or part of a story, because then if some one doesn't want to bother with the whole story they can just read one chapter as a one-shot.
And LOL, I always think it's funny when people tell me they re-read this because it's so long.

IKR? All of Graham Linehan's shows are hilarious. The only problem is how long the wait is in between.

Also, I feel like you should know you're my favourite commenter. I just really like how long and rambly your comments are. It's like I'm talking to myself but not in a crazy way.


teruel_a_witch March 30 2011, 23:43:11 UTC
I just love when we find out something about him that's just so embarrassing and makes me want to laugh at him and hug him at the same time. I think it adds so much to the character.
Exactly! It just makes him more relatable and layered and likeable, I like that he has depth, which is why when I recently rewatched Home Economics and Britta is like "Maybe you don't have anything under the surface and only material matters to you" it just really doesn't sit well with me now, sounds like Britta doesn't really get him.

Jeff was my favourite,too, but now I think it's kind of a three-way tie between Jeff/Annie and Abed now, depends on the episode, I guess, I've just really come to love Annie so freaking much during recent months, besides developing a giant crush on Alison, I think I might have adverse reaction to Annie-bashing in fandom that results in me loving her more to compensate for it, same happened with Cameron and Rose (and Abed has always been awesome but in D&D? OMG, da best) so I couldn't really choose between them now, where a couple of months ago I probably would have chosen Jeff, now I can't choose at least between Jeff and Annie, they work better together anyway ;D

Is Grahan Linehan a writer/producer? I'm now curious what other shows are in this category and whether I have seen them or not.

The only problem is how long the wait is in between.
Ugh, yeah, I noticed all British shows are horrible like that, like 3 episodes a year (hello Vexed and Whitechapel) and then wait for 11 months or more D:D: (but the quality usually makes up for it)

Also, I feel like you should know you're my favourite commenter. I just really like how long and rambly your comments are. It's like I'm talking to myself but not in a crazy way.
Aw, that's probably the awesome-st thing a writer ever said to me :D And I'm so glad you don't mind rambling, I'm naturally very wordy when my heart is into the topic *gg* (I talk to myself all the time anyway, I never get lonely in long showers ;D)

Btw, don't you think we should be LJ-friends by now? We share so much interests it'd be ridiculous not to ;)


moeexyz March 31 2011, 19:59:11 UTC
Well yeah, I'm sort of the same. Jeff is my very favourite but Troy, Annie, Britta, Abed, Pierce, Shirley, Dean Pelton (continues listing every character on Community ever) are all close seconds.
LOL I always end up loving the characters everyone else thinks is a huge jerk, and then I'm left defending them every time some one starts bashing them. It's kind of ridiculous.
(Also, CAMERON!!!!!<3333)

Linehan's the creator of The IT Crowd. He did two other shows I called Father Ted and Black Books, and they're both hilarious. I quote all three of his shows on a daily basis.

LOL yes. Friending you as I type...:)


teruel_a_witch March 31 2011, 20:22:57 UTC
Heh, well, my favourite character most of the time is a half of my OTP and it's usually a female, I'm such a Team Oestrogen, because all the bashing of female characters in fandom just makes me livid and I generally think women are more awesome than men *prepares for collective shut-up,Britta,groans* But I guess Jeff was my first favourite because I identify with him a lot (and often display his level of indifference to trivia *gg*), he's my spirit animal (and Joel is the hottest)*gg* But Annie is just so lovable and adorable and I want to carry her around in my pocket and Alison Brie is insanely beautiful (I haven't had such a girl-crush since Billie Piper *gg*) and geeky and talented, it's impossible not to love her character, I've come to just adore her in the last few months (especially when I was annoyed at Jeff at times,lol)
Abed, well, is Abed, he's a god, after all, Jeff says so. Troy is hilarious and cutest. These are my favourite OT4, sometimes with Britta in it. This show - <3

I always end up loving the characters everyone else thinks is a huge jerk, and then I'm left defending them every time some one starts bashing them.
In my case it's usually a female I have to defend, so everyone is calling her a GDB, like, you know the eternal "Rose was a bitch and she killed Ianto", "Cameron is stupid and she has no business being a doctor", that kind of trolling *roll eyes*

I love Black Books :D It was probably the first British sitcom I watched, the first episode was enough to make me hysterical XDDD I've never seen Father Ted,though, what's it about?

Friending you too :D


moeexyz March 31 2011, 22:12:40 UTC
Ugh, I hate bashing of female characters. Especially when people start slut shaming them. I've seen so many great female character getting bashed because they got in the way of some one else's OTP or whatever, and it's just so annoying. Female's should stick together and whatnot.

I will never get trolling. Just. I can't. What's the point?

Father Ted is about three Irish priests and their housemaid who all live together in Craggey Island which is in the middle of nowhere, and pretty much get up to random craziness all the time. It's one of my favourite shows. If you like Black books and IT Crowd you should definitely try it.


teruel_a_witch March 31 2011, 23:05:10 UTC
Yeah, bashing of female characters almost always has an ulterior shipper war motive in it. Ugh. I don't understand the point of dedicating your time and effort to Hating professionally and religiously, if I don't like something or someone I just ignore it or maybe vent a bit to people I trust, my friends(not publicly, obv.), with strangers I only like talking about things that are pleasant and I hate conflicts.

will never get trolling. Just. I can't. What's the point?.
Shadenfreude? Just general nuttiness and malice? *sigh* I just try to avoid TEH Crazy. (the reason I never ever ventured to the general DW fandom as opposed to Doctor/Rose comms is because I was afraid to stumble onto Rose-bashing, she is a fandom pariah, she hasn't been regularly on the show for almost 5 years, dammit, and she still gets blamed for everything, like, I heard this year they blame 11 not getting NTA award, I...just, I can't, this just wrinkles my brain)

Haha, that already sounds hilarious, I shall put it on my list.


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