Fic: Everything You Do is Super Duper Cute And I Can't Stand It (44/?)

Mar 27, 2011 15:49

Fandom: Community
Title: Everything You Do is Super Duper Cute And I Can't Stand It.
Character/Pairing(s): Jeff, Annie, Jeff/Annie
Rating: PG
Summary: Stolen moments from every episode between Jeff and Annie.
Disclaimer: I sadly do not own Community or Pulp Fiction.
A/N - For Critical Film Studies. Previous chapters can be found at the Chapter Directory.

Silence )

jeff winger, annie edison, community, jeff/annie, fanfic

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Comments 25

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moeexyz March 28 2011, 18:41:20 UTC
Thanks. I've fallen in love with Pulp Fiction in the last two weeks so I already had the quote in my head before the episode.


eva_aftagrl March 29 2011, 14:20:57 UTC
I love this chapter. It was a great Jeff/Annie moment. I also loved that Jeff pulled her back in after Abed left the table.


moeexyz March 29 2011, 19:08:23 UTC


teruel_a_witch March 29 2011, 22:28:32 UTC
AWW, yay more snuggles, this is a perfect moment, some quiet companionable Jeff/Annie quality time was really missing from such an emotionally tiring episode for Jeff, I love that Annie is his solace ♥
Also, it speaks volumes how far they've come if they don't jump from each other when caught having their sweet intimate moments, like when Pierce walked in on them and they kept the lack of personal space and weren't phased by him seeing them like this, so it's great they've accepted Abed knows *gg*

And I've never seen Pulp Fiction but that quote is adorable and perfect (though,lol, for me every silence is mostly uncomfortable so I try to fill it XD)

the faint sounds of Chang getting his butt kicked by Troy and Abed.
Haha, I just love that section *gg*

P.S. You icon = The IT Crowd FTW, did you use it because the episode was directed by Richard Ayoade? It's such a pity he didn't make a cameo while he was directing, I would have died of geekgasm *gg*


moeexyz March 29 2011, 22:59:39 UTC
Thanks. I absolutely loved Jeff in this episode. Joel killed me with that whole Idian girl story. He was perfect!
And I've decided since I'm doing the whole secret feelings thing in this story Jeff might as well have at least one person on his side through all of this. And who better than Abed, right?

LOL, I'm exactly the same with silences. I always pretend to look at my phone.

YES! I love The IT Crowd. Richard Ayoade needs to be on Community as like Troy's British cousin or something. Especially since they're the spitting image of each other.


teruel_a_witch March 30 2011, 20:09:14 UTC
Yes, he is such a great explosive performer, I love that the show gives him the opportunity to get out of the comedy box more this season and do some really emotional stuff (he rocked in the Documentary Filmmaking too, and well, always and everywhere)
And I love insecure!Jeff so much, every time the show makes him less cool and more human I fall in love with him just a little bit more, Vulnerable!Jeff afraid no one would like him without his looks? Aww, I so wished we had seen Annie telling him she would like him at any size ♥ He also admits that he's lonely, he isn't "too cool" for that notion any more, basically, deep down Jeff is terrified of being a Fat Neil, so this opens a whole new insight into why he was so anxious to help Neal. Sorry for ramblings *iz wordy*

And I've decided since I'm doing the whole secret feelings thing in this story Jeff might as well have at least one person on his side through all of this.Yeah, the thing is I actually forgot about that (it's been a while) until I decided to reread the end of s1 and the ( ... )


moeexyz March 30 2011, 21:54:13 UTC
YES! Documentary Film-making was one of my favourite Jeff episodes. Joel was wonderful in it. I also love the insecure!Jeff and vulnerable!Jeff. I just love when we find out something about him that's just so embarrassing and makes me want to laugh at him and hug him at the same time. I think it adds so much to the character ( ... )


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moeexyz March 31 2011, 19:06:53 UTC

Yeah, I think the quote fits quite well for romantic and non-romantic relationships.

If they led up to something I would die with squealy happiness.


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