30 days of TV - Day 12

Dec 10, 2010 22:04

Day 12 - An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times

I wanna say a Community episode but that seems too obvious. So instead, I'll say Cook's episode from the 4th series of Skins.

I LOVE that episode so much! It's written so exceptionally well. And Jack O'Connell's acting is amazing. I was tearing up every time he cried because when he acts he just sort of makes you feel everything Cook's feeling. Also, I'm full on in love with him so that probably added to it's effect.

Cook's growth in that episode is so fantastic. Just, him realizing he wanted to set a better example for his little brother. And forgiving Freddie. And his moment with Naomi. Everything was just amazing! Cook grew up in that episode, and it's probably my favourite episode of Skins ever. It's up their with Chris' from series 2, Cassie's and Effy's from series 1, and Katie's from series 4. It was that good.

I hope the new series has episodes as good as this one, instead of crap like some of the episodes of generation 2.

james cook, skins, 30 days of tv, jack o'connell, meme

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