Oh my effing God!

Sep 23, 2009 18:45

90210 was freaking awesome!
I can't wait to find out what Liam's planning with his weird secret blueprint thingy. Not to mention I read somewhere that he finally finds a way to get Jen back (yay!) and then he tells Naomi the truth (double yay!) I hope those two get together.
Dixon's an idiot, like seriously, he's a junior dating a girl woman and he expects that she won't find out. Like seriously, if they....you know, she could get arrested for statutory rape! He's a full on retard!
Silver's very classy though, the way she helped him out when she was talking to Sasha. I love Silver, she really is a great friend.
Naomi, yes she sent the text and yes it's an awful thing to do but c'mon! Annie was way worse! Like tricking Liam into going up to Naomi and then lying to her face and saying they did sleep together. Dirty stinking whore! She deserves the big giant SLUT written on her locker. and then she goes back to new guy Mark, like seriously wtf?
I hope Kelly and Harry don't start an affair or something. Like I hope they stay strictly friendly. Like, I love Kelly and I wouldn't ,mind if they were a couple but I wouldn't want Kelly to bring down the Wilson family. Like she's so much better then that. Kelly's not a homewrecker and if the writers make her one I'll be seriously pissed!
Navid's fake friendship thing was awesome, and I loved when he realized that Teddy was awesome he completely changed his mind. I love Navid, which makes me feel extra bad in saying Am I the only one who likes Adrianna and Teddy? Like I know Navid really loves her but there's something between Ade and Teddy and I really liked their moment on the yacht. I really want to see more of them.
And how awkward was the scene where Navid's all mancrushin' on Teddy and saying they should throw him a party and all and then Adrianna's just like okay? She must have felt awful like. You could tell that what was going through her head was Navid, stop loving Teddy so much, he totally pulled a move on your girlfriend.
I know I always say this but I can't freaking wait for next weeks episode!

Oh and in other more personal news. Vicky and I are totally friends again, which is nice. I'm still dissapointed about what happened but I'm gonna try and forget about it. We've been friends for too long to let something this stupid (and our stubborness) come between us.
Like today in music, we were sitting beside each other and we got moved! I know it sounds bad but that's good for us, means we're so cool with each other that we can't actually learn anything in class!
And yes she is still the weird changed girl who does slutty things and smokes and believes Ailish but today she seemed a lot more like her old self again. It was nice.

gossip, dixon wilson, deb wilson, school, harry wilson, teddy montgomery, annie wilson, adrianna tate duncan, new guy mark, kelly taylor, naomi clark, navid shirazi, 90210, erin silver

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