Who gives f*ck about an Oxford Comma?

Sep 22, 2009 19:19

Ah Monday night television. Possibly the happiest hours of my young life. I know, I'm sad.

HIMYM - 5x01 - Definitions
Hi - wait for it - larious! Every second was worth watching. From Marshall's I wish for once you'd invite me to tuxedo night to Lily's woos. From Ted's unintentional Achmed the dead terrorist impression to the Marshall and the whip! Every single thing about it was more legendary then ever!
So I'm gonna start my review with a nice and casual BARNEYANDROBINBARNEYANDROBINGBARNEYANDROBIN! I swear to God I was wooing louder than Lily was. My Dad had to full on cover my face with a pillow.  I love them, so much! And Lily has to be like the biggest BRotp shipper there is! But I loved it! I loved the secret sex at the start and how even when  they were explaining themselves to the rest of the group they still wanted to just make out right in front of everyone. I loved Barney punching Brad and then later just being like What that? No that was nothing, that's like my thing. I punch everyone. Guys, girls, I'd punch a baby. So freaking hilarious! The there was the entire being locked in the room thing and everytime the answer wasn't good enough Marshall would whip the door. Again, hilarious! And I loved when they slipped out the note saying Barnman and Robin and then Marshall laughed before whipping the door again. Oh how I love Marshall.
I loved how at the start after Lily found out they weren't dating she did the big break up cry with the ice-cream. And we were going to take cooking lessons together, and we were gonna take camping trips together and then we were gonna hang out and laugh about the cooking lessons and the camping trips. I love Lily, great to have her back!
The entire Indiana Jones thing with Marshall was fantastic! And I loved how Ted had an inner Barney genie!
Ted's entire story was great. Poor Ted, the entire class making fun of him so much! It was pretty funny though. And him switching between good teacher to bad teacher was gas. It was like Gollum from Lord of the Rings.
Nothing was bad about this episode at all. Even the fact that they played the song Oxford Comma about a million times and I hate that song! But for this episode it was perfect.
So glad HIMYMs back and I can't freaking wait until next Monday!

Okay I was gonna write about Gossip Girl and Greek but I'm so tired right now so I'm just gonna say Gossip Girl was awesome.
Serena and Chuck fighting is sad.
Georgina was glorious!
Vanessa and Dan were annoying.
Scott was creepy and Blair was pitiful.
Now you're just the weird girl who threw the fish party - Georgina Sparks

And as for Greek...
Casey and Evan were hilarious. Nice to see them as friends.
Cappie and Rusty equal greatness.
Dale, sad but awesome!
Ashleigh and Fisher, yay second chances!
Rebecca and Calvin, so freaking funny.
Calvin and Grant, awww!
And in general I giggled everytime that annoying Panhallenic girl said moving on.
And she may be afraid of trees, but when push comes to shove she won't let you eat the shampoo...no matte how good it smells - Evan Chambers

brotp, himym, lily aldrin, evan chambers, robin scherbatsky, greek, gossip girl

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