The Good Life

Sep 15, 2009 12:02

Well right now here in Ireland it's 12:03 am and on any other normal Tuesday I'd be in school in some boring class half asleep. But today is not like any other Tuesday. No, you see, my school are currently freaking out about swine flu (paranoid idiots) and they suggest that anyone who has any sort of flu-like symptoms should stay home for seven days. (Again, idiots!) So this morning I was all sneezy and I had a bit of a headache so now I'm sitting on my bed typing while all my friends are stuck in school learning and stuff. Woohoo!
Anyway, the weird thing is that for the last week or so I've been bummed out about school cos of the whole Vicky thing and I've just been looking for reasons to stay home. So yesterday Alex came into school sneezing and she said that she was sick but her ma made her go to school anyway so then I was all like "Alex, cough on me" you know as a joke, I didn't think I'd actually get sick. But hey, my plan worked! How awesome is that?

Gossip Girl was beyond awesome! Oh wow. I absolutely adored Dan's newfound richness. How can you not love Dan Humphrey? And the scene with him and Blair giving Carter Baizen the restraining order. I love those two. They should be a team. As for Vanessa, she can go to hell! Like if she was in Dan's position she'd take as much advantage of it as he did but no instead she starts judging him like wtf? Like she doesn't just wish she was one of them. Oh and Scott is creepy! That's all I really have to say about him.
Jenny and Eric were great. I love Jenny, like she's made her mistake but I do, I really love her! She deserves to be an Upper East Sider, like she worked hard for her so fair play to Little J.
Nate. Ugh! Idiot. User. Jackass. Hope he dies. That's really it.
Serena and Carter were great. I love them together even thoughs it's only technically been for like one episode. I'm glad that Bag Girl S is back because she beats the crap out of boring Dan-ified Serena. It's great. And I've a feeling Carter really does care about her. And their kiss in the trees was so good like he was telling her about her father and then he was all like "How could anyone not want you?" and it was so magical! Lol. I think Carter's the one guy I can ship Serena with (apart form occasionally Nate).
And then there's Chuck and Blair. I swear the echo of my fangirl screams are still going. Wow. I loved their game, it was so perfectly Chuck and Blair, it was just perfect. Then Serena and Nate had to be all like relationship this and relationship that to them and ruin them for about five minutes. Then at the end they got awesomely epic again! As they always are! I loved them playing with the models, it was so fantastic. But the last two scenes won it entirely. The last part was great with the waiter roleplaying, it was so cute. Oh Chuck and Blair how I love you both so! But the "I'm not Chuck Bass without you" was just perfect. It was more then anything I could have asked for. I mean seriously those are the six best words I've heard come out of his mouth right after the obvious "I love you too".
I can't freaking wait until next week. Plus, GEORGINA!

Greek was hilarious yesterday. From start to finish I was smiling like an idiot! First of all the whole undie run idea is so awesome that I think I'm gonna try make that a thingm in our school. I loved how through the entire episode Panhellenic were Those Bitches, so funny! And I'm glad that Casey and Evan are sorting out their issues because I like Evan and I think they could be good friends like they were in freshmen year. And I loved how Casey was all like "Have you been hanging out with Cappie?" And then Evan got all nervous and defensive. She's sp gonna catch them out. (Cappie and Evan FTW!)
Ashleigh being a bitch to Fischer made me feel so sorry for him. I like that he's not giving up though. I liked them together so I still have hope. And I loved how Ashleigh wouldn't even say Rebecca's name. So funny.
Grant and Calvin were so great. I quite like them together bu I prefered him with Heath. And speaking of Heath, he's back! I love him, he should be a main character. I love how at the meeting the bitchy one showed the picture of Cappie, Heath and some blonde bimbo and Heath was just like "Can I have a copy of that?" So funny! Ah to be a Kappa Tau.
But the best story was the Gotcha/sex storyline with Rusty and Jordan (and Rebecca and Cappie). I loved how Beaver was all like "He's so young" Beaver's awesome! And the entire Matrix re-enactment left me in stiches on the floor laughing. I love Morpheus Cappie. The entire thing was just golden! And Rusty and Jordan are so cute, I love them. The best part though was them talking after they'd done it and then Jordan shot Rusty and Cappie just knocks on the door and Rusty's like "Yeah I'm dead, and I love it" Then he just shouts at Cappie to go away. So good!
There was a very brief but magical Cappie/Casey scene. For God's sake would those two idiots juts be together! And I loved Cappie's boxers that had Cappie's Butt written on them. I want one of those!
To be honest the only thing wrong with the episode was the missing Dale. I would have loved for Dale to rant about Rusty and Jordan having sex, or the undie run, or just the Gotcha game. I could picture him giving out about all three. God, I love Dale!
Can't wait for the next episode. I think Greek is starting to become my new favourite show.

Oh and something else I wanted to mention. VMA's anyone? Kanye West was such a jerk. I didn't see it but I heard about it and I was like wtf? Poor Taylor was just up there you know at her first VMA is it, and he just goes up there and takes the thing off her like wtf? Does he not have any respect for other people? How would he like it if he won something and some one just went up ther and been like "No, you don't deserve this" Like seriously, is he that much of an idiot? And poor Beyonce must have been so embarrassed like. Kanye wasn't doing anyone any favours.
It was so classy of Beyonce though to let Taylor give her speach. Now Beyonce really is a fantastic role model. As for Kanye, he can really go to hell.
The whole situation makes me think of some guy taking candy from a baby and then some really nice lady giving the candy back.

Well that's all for now....

vma, chuck/blair, rusty/jordan, beyonce, school, gossip girl, taylor swift, greek, swine flu, kanye west

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