Why do writer always royally fuck my OTPs?

Apr 07, 2010 00:18

I ship a lot of couples, and I have seen writer put them in these impossible situations and nearly ruin the very thing I loved most about those couples. Like HIMYM with Barney and Robin's ridiculous break-up, and Skins with all the Sophia bullshit for Naomily, and killing Freddie and ruining any chance of Ceffy ever getting together without just being morally wrong. And don't even get me started on Alex and Izzie from Grey's Anatomy. Like I said, I've seen my couples go through a lot of horrible and unneccessary bullshit but never have I ever been so disgusted by the way my couple was written that I completely just stopped shipping them...Until the latest episode of Gossip Girl.
Okay seriously writers. What in the actual hell were you thinking? Really? Do you actually properly fully want everyone to hate Chuck Bass? Because there is no excuse for the fuckery that they gave us in the latest episode. NO EXCUSE! Like Chair used to be one of my biggest OTPs, they were the definition of epic. They had everything together and chemistry flowing out of their asses and I remember watching season 1 and shipping them so hard and just loving every second that those two shared on my screen. They were an amazing couple and I know I'm not alone in thinking that because they became really popular, everyone loved Chair with very good reason. And yes back then both Chuck and Blair had done their fair share of hurting each other but they were both awesome characters who I deeply loved so it was okay.
Then in season 2 the writers started this never ending back and forth, and don't get me wrong, I loved it and still shipped it hard, but after episode 14 or so I just got bored of them and was pretty much like JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY, YOU LOVE EACH OTHER, WHY ARE YOU EVEN DOING ALL THIS?! And then Jack Bass came along and I had finally met a bad guy who I fully hated with every fibre of my being. And usually I don't hae the bad guys, I always kind of love them. Jack Bass was the exception. Just forget the fact that he was a complete paedophile for a minute and it's still impossible to redeem the bastard. Like who goes after a girl your nephew is freaking in love with you psycho! I hated Jack Bass so much but in the end Chuck and Blair got through it like they always did and it was worth it because they were Chuck and Blair and they finally got together after everything and it was epic and from one extremely hot limo kiss there came this amaing unforgettable love story that everyone was rooting for.
Also throughout all that time Chuck Bass slowly became my favourite character. I just adored him so much. He was, despite having some bad moments, a generally good character. He cared about his friends and his family and he wasn't a complete souless bastard.
Roll on season 3! For the first few episodes we got literally no CB and that lost a lot of Chair's fanbase because everyone was saying they were boring now. I did think they were a little boring but I gave them the benefit of the doubt because they were Chuck and Blair and they were epic and we barely got to see them anyway. I just figured the writers would eventually come up with some epic angsty storyline like the ones Chair used to get and then my love for this couple would become as passionate as it once was. So I was right, the writers gave us an angsty storyline but under no circumstances should it ever be considered epid. It has to be the single most awful and repulsive thing I've ever seen anyone do ever. They basically had Chuck sell Blair to his evil vermin of an uncle, all so he could get a hotel back. Isn't he supposed to be Manhattan's youngest billionaire? If it bothered him so much he shuld have bought a new hotel, not pimped out his girlfriend who he supposedly "loves"! I am actually so freaking pissed at this. Like who does that, I cannot believe there is an actual human being on the planet who would ever do that. It's just wrong and I have to much faith in humanity to buy this bullshit! It's just so wrong in so many different levels! I cannot believe they did this to a couple I loved so much, and a character I loved so much. I have no respect left for the character that is Chuck Bass. No offence to Ed Westwick because he is a wonderful actor but I would not give a second's though if they killed Chuck off. In fact I hope they do. He is a souless monster! What he did was completely unforgivable! No one would ever do that! NO ONE! And we're supposed to believe he loves Blair?! What kind of fucked up love is this. If he loved her he wouldn't do this to her. I hate it so much. Also, didn't he get mad at Blair for manipulating him instead of just asking him to do something earlier this season, well what the hell does he come off doing that to her. And then he has the nerve to be all like "you're the one who went up there yourself" Thank Goodness she slapped the boy, because I'l tell you he deserves more then a slap. If it were me in the situation I would just...I can't even think of what I would do because it's such a horrible situation to be in and I just can't ever believe that even the person who hated me most in the world would do something like that. It's just so wrong. What were those idiot writer's thinking?
They have written a lot of bullshit. A LOT! And still I've put up with it and kept watching because I loved this show so much when it first started that it would be a shame to let it go, but now...I remember I saw the promo's for this episode and I was really scared to watch it because I knew that ether Chuck or Blair was going to do something awful, never in a million years would I have thought of this.
By the end of the episode, I preffered Jack Bass to Chuck. And like I said before, I REALLY hate Jack!
I don't even know how the writers could veer fix this, it's just so fucked up! Blair deserves so much better then this bullshit, and at this point Chuck is the last person I want to see her with. I'd rather have her back with Nate again and that's saying something because Nair makes me want to shrivel up and die! I don't think they could ever redeem this couple or this character for me. It's just too messed up. I just can't like. I just want Chuck to go away forever like. I don't want them to make Blair weak and make her forgive him because then I think I'd start hating her character too. She used to be the best HBIC around. And he was Chuck Bass. But now, if they keep this couple together I will cut a some one! I do not want that ever. It's just too twisted. Like there's angst and then there's just fucking messed up! Thay have lost their epicness for me. I'm so nostalgic over the good old season 1 days where the worst thing Chuck could do was compare Blair to a dirty whore. And even then I didn't have the heart to hate him this much. I miss them and their glory of sleeping in the back of limos. It's just all ruined for me really. So well done Gossip Girl, you really royally fucked it up this time! I don't think I can ever look at Chuck and Blair the same ever again.

I hope your pleased with yourselves!

Anyway, that's all from my angry rant for today. I just....UGH! I don't want to think about it anymore, it's sickening! I feel like my best friend just beat me up for no good reason.

chuck/blair, otps, gossip girl

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