Fic: Sometimes

Mar 13, 2010 21:00

Fandom: Skins
Title: Sometimes
Charachter/Pairings(s): Cook/Effy, mentions of Freffy.
Rating: PG, the f-word pops up once or twice.
Disclaimer: If I owned Skins, I'd make a few changes.
A/N - OMG! Effy's episode! I can't even...! I'm actually kinda pissed that they did that cos now neither Freffy nor Ceffy fans could really get their way. Freffy for obvious reasons, and Ceffy cos it would just be wrong after what happened to Freddie. At least until an appropriate amount of time and grieving has passed.


Sometimes he hates himself for loving her so much. It feels so fucking cheesy when he thinks about it. She doesn't want him, he doubts she ever did yet he'd still do anything for her. Any fucking thing. If she came running back to him, he'd take her. He fucking knows it. He's always there. He doesn't want to be. He wants to stop. Stop loving her, stop saving her. He just wants to stop caring all together. But he can't. He knows Freddie's there too, she doesn't need him. Not really.
But he just can't fucking stop. And sometimes he hates himself for that.

Sometimes she hates herself for stringing him along for so long. He didn't deserve it, he's too good to her. She hates that he fell for her, in fact she hates that they all fucking do. She hates the way he looks at her, hates knowing what she's doing to him. She knows he still loves her. She wishes he'd stop, so she could stop hurting him. She did love him, once upon a time. But once upon a time's over and she's on to a new fairytale, with a real prince. She wonders sometimes, who's the prince and who's the frog. She decides there is no frog, just a prince and a knight.
The knight would save her if he had to. And sometimes she hates herself for that.

A/N - Thanks for reading. Reviews would be lovely. :)

cook/effy, skins, fanfic

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