Well, there’s a few things to note about the above comic. The first is that Flannery took the week off. The second is that I dreamt that we did this comic. I thought it was funny in my sleep (I even woke myself up laughing), but I’m not sure how it translates into the waking world. The sad thing is that I dreamed of a half a dozen comics that were funnier than this one, but this is the only one I remember. The third is that I didn't get a chance to ink this one. This is purely pencils. So you guys can get to see my pencil work. Cleaner than the ink, yeah?
It's been quite a week for the two of us, professionally, and we were frankly too burned out to seriously work on a new strip this week. The moral of the story here is that you all need to
start buying shirts so that at least one of us can afford to do this full-time.
Oy! What a mess my time management has been lately. I meant to post this last week, but between computer issues and general summer ennui and a MASSIVE project at the web design salt mines...
Regardless, this comic made me happy because I not only got to pay tribute to one of my favorite movie scenes of all time but I got to draw Chris Walken not just once, but twice! Woo!
I have a feeling we’ll be seeing more of not only Mr. Walken, but our two pathetic little boys too.