"you can't just ask someone if they're black."

May 09, 2004 08:50

peripateticdoll and i saw mean girls last night. it is 1337. all you internet babies know that tina fay wrote it from rosalind wiseman's queen bees and wannabes, and that it plays kind of like heathers lite. you may also know it's very, very good. in fact, i was impressed with how good it was. it was incredibly well-written and well-edited, and some of the tropes (specifically, watching teen girls reenact jungle behavior in the mall and the cafeteria) were clever. my only real complaints about it were that it got a bit draggy before the denouement, and that the denouement itself was more hollywood than it needed to be. in some ways, this was the film i wish bend it like beckham was. of course, the real question is: when did lindsay lohan get so foxy? dude!

if you have to see a teen movie, see this one. you won't be disappointed.

my apartment totally smells like scones right now, because i just baked a batch for mumsy. yay.
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