Звягинская сharcuterie

Aug 18, 2024 10:33

Сегодня после завтрака выяснилось, что дома больше нет ни грамма сливочного масла, хлеба, пива тоже, пришлось всё бросить и идти в сельпо, а там новая ливерная колбаса появилась только сегодня, взял на пробу и не жалею.

Даже вспомнился текст из учебника по английскому для пятого класса.


This butcher lived in an apartment over his shop. One night he was awakened by strange noises coming from below, so he tiptoed downstairs and saw his 19-year-old daughter sitting on the chopping block and masturbating with a liverwurst. The butcher sighed and tiptoed back to bed.
The next morning, when a customer walked in and asked for some liverwurst, the butcher said that he didn't have any left.
The customer was really annoyed; she pointed to the corner of the shop and asked, "No liverwurst? Well, what's that hanging on the hook right over there?"
The butcher frowned at her. "That", he replied, "is my son-in-law."

300 сортов колбасы, колбаса, субпродукт, дача, хвастаюсь

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