(no subject)

Jul 05, 2005 23:36

i miss my neighbor. he's only been gone for two days, and i saw him last on friday... but i miss him. he's in new zealand all by himself and he's never been there before and that makes me nervous. i'm worried about him. why? cuz i care, i'm a caring person. and i like him. i like him a lot. tear.
i got pooped on by a bird today while i was driving my car. it was fucking disgusting, but it could have been a lot worse. it was mostly dry crusty stuff instead of gross white gooey stuff. but it still sucked and smelled bad. i was on my way home from kopps, so i ate a delicious burger and forgot about it. ironic, because just last week scotty, natey and i were talking about getting pooped on by birds and how i had not experienced the misfourtune. well now i have, and it was gross.
my hips are fucked up again. i woke up this morning, and picked up this laundry basket and i couldn't move. that's how my hips got fucked up the first time too, laundry basket (just more proof that I need a personal assistant). it feels like my hips are rotated forward even more, which is putting a lot of pressure on my spine and sometimes making it very difficult to breathe. not cool. but thanks again to marci for giving me her leftover pain pills from when she got her wisdome teeth out. they certainly made the day more bearable. now they are gone, please send more. had i married that soldier, i could go to a chiropracter and get my hips adjusted. but i didn't. goddamned former future in laws. i'm glad i'm not married though. to anyone. and in fact, i'm no longer accepting proposals. two in one week are too many. i'm currently not in love with anyone and therefore i have no need to accept proposals. it's silly that i should even have to consider it at a time like this, when everyone is up and leaving me. it's just too damn stressful. sheesh. this girl needs some good ol' quality R & R. mmmkay? peace.
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