Dream Dictionary

Dec 15, 2004 22:04

my interpretations will come later, but i found a lot of eerily correct things, and it seems like i might have a bit of a problemo on my hands. Everything fits so well, but i'll explain when i have more time.

To dream that you have been killed, suggests that your actions are disconnected from your emotions. Alternatively, it refers to drastic changes that are happening in your life. This dream may also represent a part of you or your life that you wish would leave you alone and stop creating a nuisance. Killing may represent the killing off of old parts of yourself and old habits.

To see a killer in your dream, suggests that an essential aspect of your emotions have been cut off. You feel that you are losing your identity and your individuality. Alternatively, this dream may represent purification and the healing process. You are standing up for yourself and putting a dramatic end to something.

To dream that you are murdered, suggests that some important and significant relationship has been severed and you are trying to disconnect yourself from your emotions. It also represents your unused talents. Note also that dreams of murder occur frequently during periods of depression.

To see a headstone in your dream, represents a forgotten or buried aspect of yourself which you need to acknowledge. Consider also the message on the headstone. It may indicate a statement about your life and its condition.

To dream that you are or feel helpless, suggests that you are experiencing difficulties in confronting a situation or relationship. You feel that you are unable to take charge of yourself

To dream about high school, refers to the bounds and friendships that you made while you were in high school. What spiritual lessons have you learned? The dream may also be telling you that you need to start preparing for the real world.

To see a hospital in your dream, symbolizes your need to heal or improve your physical or mental heath. You need to get back to the flow of everyday life.

To dream that you are a hostage, indicates that you are feeling victimized and powerlessness. You may also be feeling limited in your choices or physically immobilized. Perhaps this dream is paralleling some situation/difficulties in your daily life or relationship. Alternatively, it suggests that a part of yourself is not be fully expressed.

To dream of being abducted, indicates that you are being controlled by your circumstances or by someone

To dream that you are afraid to continue on some situation, signifies trouble in the home and failure in business.

To see a warm and pleasant afternoon in your dream, foretells of long-lasting friendships

To dream that you are in the air force, suggests that you need to be more spiritually disciplined (and in my case i turned away from the airforce)

To dream that you are holding or expressing anger, symbolizes frustrations and disappointments in your Self. You tend to repress your negative emotions or project your anger onto others. You need to look within yourself. Being angry in your dream may have been carried over from your waking life. Dreams can function as a safe outlet where you can express your strong and/or negative emotions. You have some suppressed anger and aggression that you have not consciously acknowledged.

To dream about an apartment, symbolizes a financial or situational state. To dream of a large, lavish apartment indicates a large increase to your income or an improvement to your family life.To dream of a shabby and dark apartment, indicates misfortune and possible loss of a lover or money.

To dream that you are arguing, suggests that you are trying to resolve some internal conflict or some unsettled issue in your waking life. Consider the symbolism of whom you are arguing with and what you are arguing about. How does he or she reflect some person or soma aspect of yourself in your waking life?

To see the army in your dream, symbolizes an overpowering force working against you. You may feel outnumbered or pressured and unable to deal/overcome this situation.To dream that you join the army, suggests your feelings of superiority. You feel that no one is any match for you.

To dream that you are being attacked by someone, signifies questions on your character and the need for you to defend yourself. You are feeling stressed, vulnerable and helpless. You may also be faced with difficult change in your waking life.

To see a baby in your dream, signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies may symbolize something in your own inner nature which is pure, vulnerable, and/or uncorrupted.Babies may represent an aspect of yourself that is vulnerable and helpless. If you dream that you forgot you had a baby, then it suggests that you are trying hide your own vulnerabilities; You do not want to let others know of your weaknesses.

To see or dream that you are shutting the blinds, suggests that you are in denial about a situation or problem. The dream may also be a pun on being blind and refusing to see something. Perhaps you are hiding something.

To dream that you are opening the blinds, indicates that you are ready to reveal something significant and/or personal that was previously unknown.

To see blood in your dream, represents life, love, and passion as well as disappointments

To feel a breeze in your dream, represents the movement of ideas and minor changes

To see a building in your dream, represents the self and the body. How high you are in the building indicates a rising level of understanding or awareness. If you are in the lower levels of the building, then it refers to more primal attitudes and/or sexuality.

To see a bullet or bullets in your dream, indicates anger and aggression directed at you or someone else. You need to be cautious on what you say and do. Your actions and words may easily be misinterpreted.To dream of being hit by a bullet, suggests that you need to persevere and endure the difficult times

To dream that you are on a campus, indicates your need to expand your thinking/knowledge and challenge yourself mentally

To dream that you are being chased, signifies that you are avoiding a situation that you do not think is conquerable. It is often a metaphor for some form of insecurity. In particular, to dream that you are chased by an animal, represents your own unexpressed and unacknowledged anger which is being projected onto that animal. Alternatively, you may be running away from a primal urge or fear.

To dream of your childhood, indicates your wish to return to a life where you had little responsibility and worries. It also represents innocence. Alternatively, it suggests that certain aspects of your childhood has not yet been integrated into your adult personality. Or on the other hand, some childhood anxiety has yet to be resolved in your adult life.

To save a child, signifies your attempts to save a part of yourself from being destroyed

To dream that you are cold, indicates that you are experiencing a breakthrough in some area in your life. Alternatively, you may be feeling isolated. You sense of coldness could reflect your feelings about that person. The dream may also occur as a result of your immediate environment in which you are really feeling cold.

To dream that you are in a coma, indicates your helplessness and inability to function in some given situation. You are not prepared for the major changes that are happening around you. Alternatively, your dream coma state may reflect what is really happening to you body when you are in the dream stage of sleep. In this stage of sleep, our bodies remain immobile as if it was paralyzed, commonly known as REM paralysis

To dream that you die in your dream, symbolizes inner changes, transformation, self-discovery and positive development that is happening within you or in your life. Although such a dreams may bring about feelings of fear and anxiety, it is no cause for alarm and is often considered a positive symbol.  Dreams of experiencing your own death usually means that big changes are ahead for you. You are moving on to new beginnings and leaving the past behind. These changes does not necessarily imply a negative turn of events. Metaphorically, dying can be seen as an end or a termination to your old ways and habits. So, dying does not always mean a physical death, but an ending of something.On a negative note, to dream that you die may represent involvement in deeply painful relationships or unhealthy, destructive behaviors. You may feeling depressed or feel strangled by a situation or person in your waking life. Perhaps your mind is preoccupied with someone who is terminally ill or dying. Alternatively, you may be trying to get out of some obligation, responsibility or other situation.

To dream that you are in a dormitory, represents the value you place on knowledge and education. You believe that you are always learning and not just in the classroom. If you are currently a college student who live in a dormitory, then this symbol may just be a reflection of your current surroundings and hold similar meaning as a house.

To dream that you are headed east, represents inner wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. You need to devote or dedicate yourself to your goals, family, career, etc. The direction east also symbolizes the sun. Since east is related to the direction right, it can suggest that you are headed in the right direction

To dream that you are walking along an embankment, signifies your weary struggle for elevation and higher status

To see your father in your dream, symbolizes authority and protection. It suggests that you need to be more self-reliant. Consider also your waking relationship with your father

To dream that you feel fear, signifies that you achievements will not be as successful as you had anticipated. You are having anxieties in certain circumstances of your life

To dream that you are floating, implies acceptance, letting go of your problems or worries and just going with the flow. You are experiencing new-found freedom. It also signifies that you will prove victorious in your obstacles that may presently seem overwhelming

To dream that you are in or walking through the forest, signifies a transitional phase. You may be following your instincts

To dream that a fraud has been committed against you, signifies that you feel cheated from what you rightly deserve

To dream that you are frightened at anything, signifies temporary and fleeting worries

To dream that you feel frustrated, represents your difficulty in coping with a situation in your daily life. It may reflect your concerns that your life is not going in the direction you

To dream that you are looking through glass, represents your openness and non-defensiveness. Alternatively, you may be putting up an invisible emotional barrier around yourself

To see a glow in your dream, symbolizes enlightenment and that new light has been shed onto a situation. You have gained a fresh perspective and reached a welcomed understanding.

To see green grass in your dream, suggests that there is a part of yourself that you can always rely on. The dream is also symbolic of natural protection.

To dream that you are on the ground, represents your foundation and support system. It is also the boundary between your conscious and unconscious. You may be getting closer in confronting and acknowledging your unconscious thoughts. The dream may be a pun on being well-grounded and down to earth. It may also be a pun on being grounded. Perhaps you are feeling restricted in some aspects of your life.

To see a gun in your dream , symbolizes aggression, anger, and potential danger. You may be dealing with issues of passiveness/aggressiveness and authority/dependence. Alternatively, a gun can represent the penis and male sexual drive. Thus the gun may mean power and impotence

To see a handle in your dream, suggests that you are in control of the situation. The dream may a metaphor indicating that you have a handle on a situation or on life. If the handle is broken, then it may mean that you need to get a handle on who you are. Draw on your inner strength.

To dream that you are a hero, signifies your inner strength and weaknesses. It may be representative of how you are bravely facing and challenging the secrets of your unconscious.

To dream of an illness in your dream, denotes despair, unpleasant changes, and an emotional breakdown. The illness may be symbolic of your inability to cope with a situation and you see that being ill is an easy way out. On a more direct note, this dream may signal you to pay close attention to your health especially to the areas of body revealed in the dream.

To dream that you are injured, suggests that you need to work on healing old wounds and hurts.You need to stop and slow down

To dream that you are being kidnapped, denotes feelings of being trapped and restricted. Someone or some situation may be diverting your concentration and your attention away from your goals.

To dream that you see or study a map, signifies that you are being guided and led in a direction that will fulfill your needs and goals. It also denotes a new change in your business which will be followed by temporary disappointments and then stable profits.

To see others wearing a mask in your dream, denotes that you will battle against deceit, falsehood, and jealousy.

To see the military in your dream, signifies rigid authority and emotional repression. Disciplinary action may be brought upon you.

To dream that you have a mole on your face or body, suggests that something is interfering with your personal esteem or that you are unable to obtain the esteem of others.

To dream that you are murdered, suggests that some important and significant relationship has been severed and you are trying to disconnect yourself from your emotions. It also represents your unused talents.Note also that dreams of murder occur frequently during periods of depression

To dream about your neighborhood, represents a sense of community and the need to be more active. You are expressing a need to develop new friends and new ties. Consider your waking feelings toward your neighbors.

To see palm trees in your dream, denotes tranquility, high aspirations, victory, and hopes.

To dream that you are aiming a pistol, denotes that you are trying to target a specific goal. However, if the overtones of the dream is that of fear, anger and aggression, then the pistol signifies power by which you need to defend yourself against the fear and anger

To dream that you are quarreling with a certain person, signifies that there is some hidden hard feelings and conflict toward that person and you are having difficulties talking about.This dream functions to help open that line of communication with that person in your waking life

To dream that you are in a rehabilitation center, indicates that you are ready for a fresh new start. You are rebuilding a new self-image.

To see your relatives in your dream, signifies family issues or feelings. They represent some aspect of your own self.

To dream that you are being rescued or rescue others, represents an aspect of yourself that has been neglected or ignored. You are trying to find a way to express this neglected part of yourself.

To dream that you are running away from someone, indicates an issue that you are trying to avoid. You are not taking or accepting responsibility for your actions. In particular, if you are running from an attacker or any danger, then it suggests that you are not facing and confronting your fears.

To dream that you are scared, indicates that you are experiencing self-doubt and feelings of incompetence. You may be feeling a lack of control. Anger often masquerades as fear, so also consider issues about which you are angry about in your waking life.

To dream that you are screaming, symbolizes anger and fear. It is an expression of your powerful emotions which you have kept pent up inside

To see a shooting in your dream, indicates that you have a set goal and know what you are aiming for in life. Your plans are right on target!

To dream that you are walking on a sidewalk, your steady progress and direction in life

To see a sign in your dream, indicates that you need assistance; You need some direction and guidance in your life. Pay attention to what the sign says and what it is pointing you to do

To dream that you are moving in slow motion, signifies that you are presently going through a hard time and experiencing great stress in your waking life

To dream that you are walking up a flight of stairs, indicates that you are achieving a higher level of understanding. You are making progress into your spiritual/emotional/material journey. It also represents material and thoughts that are coming to the surface.To dream that you are walking down a flight of stairs, represents your repressed thoughts. It suggests that you are going into your unconscious. It also refers to setbacks that you will experience in your life. If you are afraid of going down the stairs, then it suggests that you are afraid to confront your repressed emotions and thoughts. Is there something from your past that you are not acknowledging.

To see a stranger in your dream, signifies a part of yourself that is repressed and hidden. Alternatively, it symbolizes the archetypal dream helper who is trying to offer some insight and advice

To dream that you or someone has a tumor, suggests that some repressed memory or feeling remains unsettled and is threatening to emerge into your consciousness. You need to confront these issues. Consider where in the body is this tumor is located for additional symbolism.

To see an unknown person in your dream, signifies a part of yourself that is repressed and hidden. Alternatively, it symbolizes the archetypal dream helper who is trying to offer some insight and advice.

To dream that you are a victim, forewarns that you will be oppressed and overpowered by your enemies. Such dreams suggest that you feeling powerless and helpless in a situation in your waking life

To see or hold a weapon in your dream, indicates a need to defend and protect yourself emotionally and/or physically. You are experiencing some conflict in your waking life. Alternatively, it suggests a fear of sexuality

To see windows in your dream, signifies bright hopes, vast possibilities and insight.

To dream that you are looking out the window, signifies your outlook on life, your consciousness, point of view, awareness, and intuition. You may be reflecting on a decision and seeking guidance. If; you are looking in the window, then it indicates that you are doing some soul searching and looking within yourself

To see the woods in your dream, represents life, fertility, rejuvenation, and spring. Alternatively, it symbolizes the unknown and unconscious. You need to be more open-minded to discovering your potential and instinctual nature. To see dried up, dying woods in your dream, suggests that there is a situation in your life that has not yet been resolved. You may also be overwhelmed with a problem or issue


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