happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Bryan.. happy birthday to you

Sep 02, 2005 09:36

So, my best friend of 8 going on 9 years, turns 21 today! Unfortunately he is out in the desert starting today doing desert training in california.. his phone is turned off and i can't even say happy birthday.... :(

I am really sad actually... it's beginning to sink in that he is leaving for Iraq soon. *sigh* he has been there for me so much since Brandon has been gone... I don't know what I am going to do without him. I can't imagine how it will be to have them both out there.... god this is going to suck....

lately i have been feelin really crazy...

this hurricane thing has become too much for me to deal with. Now it's 7:30 on Firday evening. My dad called not too long ago and told me he spoke with my Uncle Doug who was missing.. he lost his house... i'm not sure about his step son Stephen (who is my favorite cousin), but his real son Lil' Doug lost his house too. My grandma's trailer is okay.. so is my maw maw and paw paw's house. Thank the Lord...

Unfortunately we still have no word on my aunt Michelle.. and that is really the one that I am worried about. She was supposed to go over to my maw maw and paw paw's but never showed. I just figured she went off with friends because she is a drug addict and does things like that pretty often... but itreally worries me that no one has heard from her.. *sigh* I am so thankful they are all okay... but it sucks that their houses are gone. My cousin Lil' Doug is suppose to go to North Carolina to find work since he no longer has a job. and he has a wife and 3 kids. :(

Still dont' know about any friends either. it just sucks,. there is no way for anyoe to find out anything. I mean it could be months before peopl eaccount for everyone they know and are close to. I don't know what the job situation is like for any of the other family yet.. I didn't get to talk to my dad very long because we are having a concert tonight... but I think the stress is making me sick...

and i miss my fucking boyfriend. This whol etalking to him every 3 days is killing me.killing me. Especailly with all the shit that is going on...

and i don't kno wif i mentioned it, but they were training me for a new job at the amphitheater... and now the girl isnt' leaving. *buzz fuckin kill* that was the only "bright" side i was looking at.. now I am thinking I might need to find another job.

everything is so crazy and i have absolutely no control over anything and it's driving me insane... all i want is to curl up in Brandon's arms.. I think that is the only thing that can truly make me feel better...

but i guess I have to get over that huh?

well... gotta get back to working the Dave Matthews show... i am not doin so hot right now..

I'll write more later. love yous

family, hurricane katrina, army, vwa

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