an update on my family and Hurricane Katrina

Aug 30, 2005 18:16

So, that hurricane that hit, Katrina, it hit right where my family lives in Gulfport, MS. It is the worst hurricane to hit there since 1969! The last one was Hurricane Camille and my grandparents house cauhgt on fire and burned to the ground in that one. So when they were talking aboutKatrina being worse than that one, i freaked.

But earlier today my dad got a message on his phone from my cousin DL (the one who rides bmx) and my great aunt.. they had to drive a few hours North to even be able to use the phone, but they said that everyone is fine and that almost everyone had stayed at my maw maw and paw paw's. The only people we don't know about are my crazy Aunt Michelle and my Uncle Doug and his wife and kids.

They got really lukcy though, but the house got pretty messed up and they had a lot of trees fall down. They werne't sure how my grandma's trailer was... *fingers crossed*. But my grandma had evacuated and went up north with my Aunt BeBe and her family. She called my mom earlier and said that she was in Jackson waiting ina long ass line to get gas and she wa able to put $25 in her tank and then the pump ran out! She was supposed to be on her way here since she probably doesnt' have a home anymore, but she is gonna try to find a hotel until the gas situation can be figured out.

So we are still waiting to hear about a few relatives, and waiting to hear about a lot of friends... but atleast mos of the family is okay. i was really stressin for a little bit. Phones are still down so it might be awhile, but hopefully everyone else is okay too. Pray for them please! The news is showin some really bad stuff out of Gulfport, so we can only hope!

family, hurricane katrina

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