Now for the good stuff!

May 24, 2004 09:13

alright, i am just sittin up here at work and sincei have nothing to do i figured i would recap the weekend! haha! well friday night was my party and it was the BEST to come out of schertz.... well besides some of james rivera's parties but those are U.C.! haha Well yeah NO cops showed up and my mom only found one beer bottle top and some glass so she didn't even know really! haha. and bobby's parents let me use their drive way to park cars! that is awesome! so yeah SO many people were there, i'll try to list them all but i know i will forget people. Desire taylor, ashley adams, michelle pannebecker, Lauren zimmermann, chandler marshall, ryann sotello, The Corpus crew of Megan, Lanna, Tim, and Josh and they brought some people from san marcos with them. James rivera, jeremy paden, clarence cowan, john stark, larkin tremaine, roland wade, sean fuqua, misty porter, jennifer santino, some friends of James', Nathan Callifer and some of his friends came!, david real, travis curd, brian lamberts, Michelle's boyfriend Curtis and a bunch of his fiends, um... let's see who else was there. i don't know, i really can't remember but i'll throw out some names as i go i guess. =)oh, birdwell, amanda berg, and travis huey came by but they didn't get to stay long so that kinda sucked.Brandon goggans, puffy and clint saunders came by and so did Micah!Nick McDow came by for awhile too! oh yeah and so did Jason Diggs and Kim Holder haha... okay i really can't remember anyone else so i'll add on when i get my pictures back ;) haha. it was such a good party though and i had so much fun. a lot of those guys i have known since back in the day! haha... i busted out some scrap books and jeremy and jason both got a kick out of the limo pics! haha! wow, they both told me how much we made their day that day back in the day! haha, last day of school in 7th grade Mary Hilsdorf got a limo and we crusied around and had a ROWDY time. it was great! haha.. good ol days. and then jeremy and john and larkin were talkin about how i'm their girl or whatever! hell i better be after all these years! it was funny, larkin was like half hugging me or something and jeremy was like " get off her" haha and i flicked him off and larkin started laughing and was like " see samantha even flicked you off for that one!" haha. aww wi love larkin he is the greatest. he helped me regulate a lot and helped me keep everyone down while they were outside. Larkin, Brandon, James, and Nathan were my regulators! Thank goodness for them... they helped change trash bags, clean up glass, and keep everyone chill. i love them, those are my boys! awww... and jeremy pulled me aside ( this was before he got really drunk) and he was like " samantha you really are my girl, you have been here for me through so much, i love you girl. you really have been a great friend, i don't know what i would've done all these years without you." i was just like aww jeremy loves me! oh yeah! Brad Schunek came by too! What a trip! i met him in 7th grade because he use to date Shannon Stroud and he lived in Converse and i only saw him like once a year until my senior year, and then we hung out a lil more often! haha. it was really nice to see him, but he was already really wasted when he got there. but it was still nice to chat with him awhile. Nathan Callifer came and i really thought it was going to be a shot in the dark inviting him but he came and brought a couple really cool friends! i met Nathan in 7th grade through Brad Schunek... we talked on the phone for like a year 1/2 before i ever met him and before i even met him i had a HUGE crush on him! then we hung out a bit freshmen year cuz he knew jeremy Miller and he could drive then and he would come around schertz sometimes, then sophomore and junior year i dn't even know if i saw him at all but senior year we hung out a lot more and hopefully this summer we will hang out... haha other than visiting old friends in rehab! haha! but no, we are so weird! like we will start talking and i will start to like him and he will start to like me, and then we just stop talking! haha, tha's how it's been since i was 12 and now i'm 19! haha! but he is still really hot, even though he needed tos have. his eyes are SOOOO pretty blue! and he has dark hair which makes it that much hotter! =) hopefully we will hang out more this summer, his friend chris and tony were really cool to, and chris was kinda a cutie too! but he's from maryland or something! but yeah, before they left nathan was like " you hate me don't you?" and i was just like what? and he said it again and i was like NO OF COURSE NOT! i asked him what he meant and he didn't say anything.... but i think he meant how we always start talking and then stop. it's not like i blame him for it, i'm sure it's partly my fault to, i mean i don 'tknow if it is but i have a bad habit of not calling people back and i'm sure he was the victim of my slackerness a few times! but we said we would hang out this summer so we'll see. so i had so much fun... megan and lanna and them came and it was so good to see them! i miss them. and tim was there too! haha. i think they had fun, i hope atleast... they were playing drinking games with nathan and them for a long time... haha! them and their drinking games! so... i resolved some OLD ass issues with Kim Holder... well to refresh my memory... she used to date David Muennink off and on from the time we were in 7th grade untill i got with him in 9th grade. she broke his poor heart and was really bitchy to him and fucekd around on him and stuff like that... and back in the day david was my boy... i've never been that close to anyone except for bryan. so naturally i just didn't like her. well while we were together she called my HOUSE and asked for him... which, as like a 15 year old, i was REALLY pissed. haha. so after years of mad doggin her and talkin shit jason asked me if she could come with him, and i was like oh okay it's cool. well we talked a bit and she really is nice and it seems that we have quite a bit in common when it comes to how other people have been towards us. she's really cool actually, she left kinda early but we she is cool and our issues are resolved. i just told her" look, i know we use to have issues but i don' treally care anymore, it's all good" and that was it!i realized this weekend that i have dislike a lot of girls over guys i have dated and it was really not worth it and i think i missed out on being friends with some down ass chicks because of me holding grudges. haha! me ashley, desire, and michelle had SUCH a good time! haha they were WASTED and we were just dancing and having a good ol' time! it kinda made me sad that i didn't hang out with them as much when i was here... i never had like a group of girlfriends when i lived here before but now i do and schertz isn't NEARLY as bad as it could be! haha! everyone was there but HOLLIE! dammit! haha, but it's okay because she was out of town. i tried to invite jenna but the numbers i have for her are wrong... so that sucks. i decided awhile back to let my grudge against her go too. she would really piss me off sometimes, but i guess that's what happens whenyou know someone for a long time. i invited robles but he bitched out.. that sucks. i wanted to see him but i knew that he would. i dont know why, i told him he could bring tamara, but whatever! me and james are pretty much fed up with that boy, sayin he's gonna do shit and never doing it. when we graduated he moaned and groaned about that we were gonna sto ptalking and not be friends anymore, but that was all him, all his fault, i've called when i've been in town and he either doesn't answer or he bull shits so i gave up. bt it's cool, i have nothin but love for him. well everyone left around 4:30 or so. MAN hold up! i had to kick Michelle's boyfriend Curtis out of my house! haha! lo and behold he started arguing with Desire about religion! haha ( those who know desi know that that is a mistake!) and he got SO defensive and wouldn't hear a word she had to say, even after he had said how fhe felt, well he got loud with her and i told him he needed to stop or he needed to leave, so he, like a bitch, got pissed off and walked out. michelle went after him and came back and asked me to tal to him and tell him it was okay if he stayed. so i went outside and tried to talk to him... tried to reason with him. i was rally nice about it to i was just lik e" hey i dont 'mind if you stay here, everything is cool, i just don't want you raising your voice to one of my girls' in my house" and the FIRST thign he says to me is " you dont know what i've been through" haha! i was like " whoa hold it right there, i dont' care what you've been through cuz i guarantee i've been through worse" and he was like "well she called my beliefs stupid and their not stupid" and i was just like " well your beliefs don't matter in my house i dont' want you raising your voice to one of my girls." so he started raising his voice o me and i was just like " you know what, you need to leave, if michelle is too drunk to drive you home then you need to call someone cuz you're not staying here" and i told michelle i was closing the door in a few minutes and to let me know what she was going to do. well she said she was going to tak ehim home, but not even 10 minutes later i heard the front door open and i was like there is NO WAY she arleady took him home, so i went downstaris and knocked on the guest bedroom door and i hear her say " oh shit" and i opened the door and they were just chillin making out! i was like alright " you lied to me and that's fucked up, you need to take him home." and she tried to ell me that when she went upstairs she told me he was staying which she defnitely DID NOT say and he was like so no wyou'r elying to me! haha! i was like holy shit, i knew the night couldn't go by without any incident, but that was just a minor one so it was okay. michelle, michelle, michelle, i couldn't believe that she did that, but part of me could haha! what a little nympho... i still lvoe her and i'm not gonna be pissed off at her, but she can't pull that shit again! crazy girl. but whatever... i know michelle is like that so i dn't let it bother me! well after everyone left me and the girls and jaems chilled out back and chiefed before bed. i love james he is the best. he is the person i left in charge whenever i would step outside or was handling things upstairs or soemthing. he's got my back ! haha! but he really did help keep everyone under control1 he's the best! haha, ashley got sick and she just kept on going! Mayne hold up! what a solja! haha! damn, i feel so bad that i dislike her for so long over ROGER! haha. i missed out on a good friend man. she cou'dve been partyin it up with me, desi, and michelle alst year but i was too stubborn... or as i like to say "blinded by love" ;) haha! but we're friends now so that's all that matters! awwww! i had quite a heart to heart with roland. we went upstairs to roll a blunt and i told him about the roger situation and how he had cheated on me and all and he told me that jenny cheated on him too and that's part of why they broke up! i never even knew that! and he was just like well yeha i didn't really tell anybody. i had always thought it was because he was gonna go off to school and wanted to be free. he made me feel better though. i love roland, he is the greatest. haha! we had some GOOD times last year and he is always down to kick it. i miss him and sean and vonte! damn we had some good times. haha! driving all the way out to mccreless mall pounding our man Em and singing with it the WHOLE way.. there AND back! haha! damn i miss them sometimes! i thought, for awhile, that they just wanted someone to smoke with but they really are cool. well let's see... whatelse happened taht night. well so EVERYONE knows that roger cheated on me, it was like a topic of conversation for awhile, everyone had to ask, which is understandable i guess, just a lil uncomfortable. but when i told them he cheated on me like 3 or 4 times everyone was in shock. hah! they know how good of a girlfriend i was and that heather definitely doesn't compare to me ( that sounds conceited but it's really not,i'm not trying to be, it's the truth) jason and some others were talkin about whoopin his ass... despite my feeble protest. man i think he does deserve an ass whoopin but i'm not going to instigate it! i told them i would rather them not cuz i don't want them in any trouble, but if they see him in an oppotune place, well, he is shit outta luck i belive. a few of them were REALLY pissed. so yeah overall, it was a VERY good night, best party ever! and we started the summer off strong! haha! i let my bro have some friends over too since today is his 13th birthday and i bought them pizza and stuff. haha james told his older brother that i was having a party and that so was my bro and he laughed haha! cuz whenever me and james were in 8th grade or soemthing, his parents went out of town and his older brother had a get together or soemthing and that is when me and james kissed! haha! and he ws telling james that my brother was in the same position james was! haha! that's great! yeah i almost flipped out cuz all the slil kids saw beer and pot! haha. and some kids dad stopped by ! haha! that wasn't good! and stacy southwell's mom called and it was just great! haha! when me and roland walked upstairs pat leal's il brother mark and satcy southewell's lil sister amanda walked out of my mom's room and i almost had a heart attack!my brother was like with some girl watchin a movie.. how cute! haha!okay anyway... next day. i had to wake up at 7:45 after going to bed at 5 and wake up meg and tim cuz they had to take meg's lil bro to the zoo or something. well then i laid back down and had to take my brother to the church at 8:30. so i come back an i la down and travis' friend bobby rings the door bell. so i lay back down again and the neighbor comes by and asks me to move someone's acr cuz they're bringing their boat. so i finally went back to sleep for a couple hours and then got up cuz i knew desi and ash were already up. awwww, they are so sweet, when i walked downstairs they were already cleaning up! they're the best. well lanna woke up and we just cleaned and then ash had to go to work and me and desi took all the trash to the tiger tote dumpster! there was like 8 bags of trash and like 7 cardboard cases! haha! that's so funny. that's more than what we usually have at megans! haha! and i didn't even drink a DROP of that! yep, i was Sober Sam as usual! well then desi left and me and lanna and clarence went to the river... we met up with Nathan and his friend chris but they had to pick someone else up so we just went without them. as we were walking to the river travis reynolds and them drove by! haha i heard helen yell out my name! so after we flaoted the river we went to the lake for a bit. reynolds, koper, abbot, R.T., helen and some other people were out there. this girl Julie who i haen't seen anywhere since i graduated except once at brandon's house was there. she was always really nice!but yeah i twas nice to see all them. r.t. asked me about roger... ugh! that really sucks that i still have to answer that question everywhere i go. but i was just like " he's a bastard... but um... i'll be nice and just say that we broke up and dont' talk anymore". dman i hate saying that to people. i would MUCH rather be like " oh well, we're not together anymore, but we're still good friends." but um, he made that choice to be on the outs so there's nothin i can do! so james abbot and helen celencki rode home with us and we had to turn around real quick because erica johnson needed to talk to james! and OF COURSE heather's best friend Sarah Cortez was with her. that girl gave me the dirtiest fuckin look and i swear if she wasn't 16 i would have whoope that bitch's ass, but i woudl go to JAIL since i'm legal and she's not! but yeah man, i never ever had beef with that girl, she was in stuco with us and i was ALWAYS cool to her cuz she was andy's girlfriend! what a bitch man. but that's okay, like i said before, i'm better than heather anyway and sarah is just another one of her loser friends. so it's whatever. but yeah i was DEFIITELY not expecting to see her. damn those fuckin kids! haha i saw nick gore too, it's been awhile! so we came home and lanna left and then ashley ended up coming over. we ent and rented Stuck On YOU, an okay movie, and watched it with Roland and Sean. haha! Curd called me as he was in the process of getting pulled over and he just kept cussing at the cop! haha... then he kept calling me back while he was stanging out of the car which REALLY pissed the cop off because all of a sudden the phone went dead and the cop had taken the phone and hung up on me! haha! yeah travis and brian REALLY don't like roger. he told me that he saw him up at sonic that night i saw him and heather and that he almost whooped his ass too, but rememebered that roger's not legal yet! haha! he said that he drove by his house and they were outside and that curd was just alking SHIT! haha! i love travis. he is a sweetheart. that was the night that roger decided to talk shit to candace and ashley... bastard. he can argue with them but not talk to me, he's gay! haha! so then on sunday i slept in, even though it pissed my mom off, and ashley came over after church and my mom cooked us some steak and potatoes! MANE hold up it was so good! i haven't eaten like that in a LONG time! after that we drove out to san marcos cuz some of her friends were haveing like a crawfish cookout at their house or soemthing. we stayed tere forawhile and everyone was really cool. i had a good time. we had to leave a lil early though cuz she had to work. we stopped and met up with chad though and cheifed really quickly! awww i miss chad! he's a sweetie too! well after that ashley dropped me off and i went and rented a movie with ms. candace hahn. we got scary movie 3. it was a pretty good movie i guess, for a spoof! =) haha. but yeah we just watched it att her house an di met her dad and stuff. he asked me a bunch of questions about corpus so HOPEFULLY i got on his good side =) haha! i'm usually pretty good with parent so we'll see. awww. i love candace, it was the first time we have really hung out like me and her and she is the best! i'm glad that i didn't end up hating her cuz of roger too! AND she's going to Corpus next year so we will get to chill some! haha! i ahve a feeling she willg et bored with us.. after all we arent the most interesting people in Corpus, but i know she'll meet a lot of people so that will be cool! it's going to be fun! i left her house around 9 or so and went by blaine's to chil for a bit. then i just came home and talked online as usual! GRRRR! i don't know what happened to my last YMCA check! ahhhh! i don' tknow if it get forwarded in time or if it's sittin in ym mail box at school! that really really sucks. well i am done ranting and raving so that was my bad ass weekend! schertz hasn't been TOO TOO bad, but we'll see how it goes. love ya! more later
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