Dec 13, 2007 17:51
Because everyone has a right to the truth, no matter how harsh it may be. And, if it will save a life, all the more reason to pursue it. The thought of people such as my father living free and unpunished sickened me more than the possibility that if I stayed with him, I would find myself leading the life he wanted me to have. I wanted to bring men like him to justice and reveal what hidden atrocities and wickedness they were capable of, and I wanted to be efficient about it. None of this medieval brutality and inquisitional ferocity, but through modern science and up-to-date technology. The more I investigated and deduced and invented, the less guilty and helpless I felt. With every bit of knowledge I gleamed, I intended to put it to good use for the better of the world and every oppressed denizen victim to its cruelty.
In the end, I suppose that's all it boils down to. I had a desire to protect others and I followed it. There is little more to say.
((Comment-log/mingle post for anyone that wants to meet him, Network post for everyone else.))
let me explain,