Jan 21, 2008 00:05

i encourage anyone and everyone to read this :


i know. most people don't care. but i have lived through this shit
and i don't think the psychological damage can be repaired.
yeah i'm the same person. buti have nightmare after nightmare.
i cannot get the people still stuck behind it's doors out of my head.
their parents are being manipulated and i just wish i could ban
these fucking nut houses from existing. but their parents are most
likely rich stubborn people who will fall for any fancy brochure that
promises their child will come back a new and improved child.

hate to break it to you parents.. thetruth is that is up to them. I have
only lived through 3 months at a hell hole like that and.. yeah i am
doing great now. but people have graduated the program, and left
completely fucked up. maybe even more fucked up then before.
people have stayed weeks- and left to lead a great life. 'tough love'
is pathetic. if i could take a parent like you into a room i would 
have something to say. and it would take a few hours to get off my 
chest.. but NEVER will it compare to the things i endured at my stay.

no matter how long i sit here and type away my frustrations nothing
can ever explain or even come close to showing a glimpse of what
being into a program is like. parents- you will never understand.
soi won't beginto tell you. once your child gets through these rough
months.. i hope they grow the balls to tell you their horror story and 
then lead a successful life with or without your help
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