Wednesday's Putterings (Well, actually, this is in reference to Tuesday.)

Aug 23, 2006 11:56

Topics contained herein:
Sleepy thunder, sandy salamanders, brave & stoic children and an increasingly insistant yen for some real writing time.

Weather / Phenology:
We had a nice soothing thunderstorm in the early hours of the morning. I wish I’d actually wakened enough to get out of bed to watch it but I was tired. Today looks like it’s going to be lovely. The forecast says we might get another, pretty much identical, storm tonight after midnight.

Ch- and Young Master L- found a cute salamander in the sandbox yesterday afternoon. He was that salamander color - blackish, grayish, olive-y green and he had pale yellow-beige dots all along his sides. His head was disproportionately big and round and his mouth looked turned up at the corners, as if he had a secret smile. A few days ago I found several new hatchlings (?) in the “flower bed” that surrounds the septic tank access. Tiny, dark things but fast.

Mood Summary:
Pretty good … hopeful even. I reclaimed the house from the threatening disorder and made excellent food yesterday. I got the call from the placement specialist and Ch- is all ready to start at the virtual academy. Next step: Big boxes containing much curriculum and a computer will arrive in 2-3 weeks.

My daughter called to share her class schedule and explain her working-for-Gmom-around-classes plan. It’s going to be tough and her mood is a little low but I think she’s handling everything very well. I wish she could throttle back her emotional response to Gmom’s manipulations.

I guess I feel like things are coming back together around here. I REALLY want to get Mz D-‘s office done today so that I can go do some plotting for the novel. Apparently I’ll be meeting my husband this evening to listen to Singer S- do his thing. (Assuming I can find a sitter.)

I’ve only got one character sketch to write before I can cross “finish pre-plotting the novel” off My Mission 101 List I’m well into the actual plotting already - this character thing was an oversight. (It’s for the last viewpoint character, one who hasn’t yet made an appearance in the work I’ve finished.)

But. If I’m intending to get some McDon’s breakfast, I should finish this and go.

Five Gratitudes:
1) The morning thunder.
2) My daughter’s strength in the face of a … difficult woman.
3) Having a beer on the patio after work with my husband.
4) Eating good food at the table while the three of us discussed Ch-‘s placement.
5) Talking to the Godfather and confirming that he is accepting my food gifts without making fun of me. (Ever see the scene in To Kill a Mockingbird where a client delivers a bag of nuts to Atticus in payment for legal work?)

Made fabulous turkey & sausage soup and two pineapple upside down cakes
Got the house returned to nice
Had a day - a reasonable, home-based day

Daily Dozen
My Mission 101 List
My Evil-Twin Mission 101 List

Start Date: July 27, 2006 10:00 pm ---- End Date: April 24, 2009 10:00 pm
Goal Level Behaviors
Cleaning: zones & weekly schedule

mission 101, recipes, about m--, about ch--, prompts & germs for fiction, phenology, putterings, prompts & germs for non-fiction

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