Topics contained herein:
Lovely but murderous pumpkin plants, my son's new school, weary words and a desire for some peace of my very own.
(Even I stop agitating for change once in a while.)
Weather / Phenology:
The last week or more has been beautiful. We’ve had sunshine all day and clear, star-filled skies all night. The temperatures have been … appropriate. Some days are just a little hotter than I’d choose but the nights are cool and soothing. We haven’t had to use the damn window-mounted air conditioner for a long time.
I planted the pumpkins too close to the roma tomatoes - a couple of thick, heavy vines ventured through the middle of the tomato plants and squashed them flat (squashed -- tee hee). I don’t have the heart to break them off or attempt to move them because one of them bears a perfect young pumpkin. The cherry tomatoes are yielding more than we can pick.
The truth is that I haven’t been around the house enough to really enjoy the gardens since life got exceptionally busy a couple of weeks ago. The lawn desperately needs mowing.
Mood Summary:
I’m okay. Sometimes I’m better or worse but I think that life is just a little overwhelming right now. I feel a strong desire to withdraw for a while and I don’t have that option. I was home all day yesterday but I split most of the available time amongst doing some more education-related tasks for Ch-, playing online with my daughter and her new toy (
Nobbs the Nabaztag) and watching some television. It was nice but I should have rescued the house from the creeping disorder that is taking over. This morning I’m regretting my decision to screw off.
(Later) I’m not writing anything and that’s bothering me. I’d like to detail some of the information about our new plan for Ch-‘s education but … well, maybe the doing of it has been so detailed that I’m turned off to the regurgitation of such a huge load of information. I’m waiting on a call from the placement specialist but I’m about to be away from home more often than not (again). I should figure out how to change the message on the answering machine so that the school will know to call me on the cell. In any case, here’s a link for anyone that wants to know more about what we’re doing on that front:
The National Organization Behind the MN Virtual Academy If you go there you can get an overview of the program. In short, Ch- will be attending an online school - it is state funded (free to us), public and completely reflective of the student’s abilities. The curriculum is flexible but advanced … they start teaching sentence diagramming in 2nd grade and expect 5th graders to learn how to write a full research paper. Oddly enough, my son will have some catching up to do. He’ll be able to work at his own pace though, which is good because he’s going to have to learn good work habits before he can really dig into the work itself.
My husband and I are groping our way through some new ideas and concepts … we’re fluxing all over the place really … but I think it’s going to be okay.
I think we are all ready for a return to more structure and less drama … Ch- has got dark circles under his eyes and that’s an indicator of disorganization and stress for everyone. I genuinely need to reconnect with my land and my animals. I’m feeling desperately not-grounded. I’ve been trying to make myself feel better by seeking conversation, clarity and direction. That’s all fine and good - ‘was probably necessary in fact - but I need to settle into my real (if somewhat revised) life. I won’t be able to tell if I've made the right choices in the last few weeks until I live them rather than conceptualizing them.
Time to move on so I can get to puttering with housekeeping, cooking, tending animals and (maybe) mowing.
Five Gratitudes:
1) Ch- spent the night over at Young Master L-‘s last night, after spending most of the day going back and forth between their two homes. I’m so grateful that they have each other, especially because we are now committed to pulling Ch- out of the local system. As a bonus, Ch- got to bring Y.M. L-‘s little brother home with him this morning. That’s really a first. I know that my son is fond of the little guy. (He’s a rather fragile 5-6 year old.) If this becomes more commonplace I’ll need a designation for the child; Young Master J- is already taken. I guess I’ll go with Little J-. Anyway, I can hear the voices of all three boys as they move from one playing location to another. Little J-‘s voice is sort of bird-like - high and sweet and excited.
2) When I came into my studio this morning, I found a pumpkin blossom floating in a bowl of water next to my laptop. I never know what inspires my husband to do things like that. He’s been taking Boo for a walk every morning … maybe he decided to avoid the road and its sticker patches and walked around the lawns.
3) I’m grateful that Deloris, the local school’s secretary, took matters into hand yesterday and helped me get the signature of the district superintendent on that last form I needed to fill out for Ch-‘s school transfer. I wouldn’t have expected her to be so supportive.
4) I can’t bring myself to put Chicklet (the Spare Rooster) and Sail-Tail (the Old Leghorn) back into their coop now that Chicklet’s legs are fully healed. There’s something so pleasant about having a couple of chickens wandering the yard. I have no idea if Sail-Tail has laid any eggs - she’s not a good layer (anymore) under the best of circumstances. I’m willing to give up her occasional egg just for the joy of watching her chase grasshoppers and moths on the lawn - she even leaps up and plucks them out of the air sometimes.
5) Though Boo is going crazy in the yard at the moment, (because the boys wandered out of his sight) he’s really bounced back from his weird behaviors of a few weeks ago. He’s still occasionally mistaking the stairs for an acceptable place to poop, but he’s stopped obsessing over Honor-Cat and he seems happier and more balanced. Honor-Cat is better now too - he seems terribly relieved that he’s no longer Boo’s focus-object.
Today, so far, nothing. In recent days, however, I’ve managed a lot of stuff:
Found a Karate studio for Ch- (for phy ed)
Finished filling out all forms for Ch-‘s transfer into the Online school
…and got them turned in just in the nick of time
Settled Gmom into her new apartment (unpacked and placed everything)
Cleared out almost all the discards in Mz D-‘s office
Cleaned, assessed and organized Mz D-‘s main bathroom
Learned how to tend to the needs of my two cranky cars better
Checked in with Sister D- re: Gmom etc. (A couple of hours gone there)
Daily “accomplishments” lists are easier … I can’t remember what I’ve already mentioned or some of what I’ve done. Those are the biggies. I’d really like to get back to making a daily putterings entry - my life feels more real and manageable that way.
Daily Dozen My Mission 101 List My Evil-Twin Mission 101 List(Start Date: July 27, 2006 10:00 pm ---- End Date: April 24, 2009 10:00 pm)
Goal Level Behaviors Routines Cleaning: zones & weekly schedule