Last Week's Scraps (putterings & reconstructed scores)

Mar 12, 2006 12:20

Wynn in particular:
Look what Woggie found! I’ll be ordering them very soon.

I’ve been all a-jumble for the last several days … again. I’m going to get myself organized today. My mood is good, just scattered.

Thank you to everyone that weighed in on the situation with our son. I was very impressed with the good ideas and well-thought-out opinions that you offered. As usual, I’m extremely grateful for everyone’s support. I’ll post some thoughts on our plans and resolutions in the next few days.

Topics contained herein:
Phenology, weather, getting ready to meet for school conferences.
Really, this is just some scraps and fragments dealing with the last several days. In truth, I haven’t spent much time in lj this weekend.

Weather / Phenology:
[Thursday & Friday]
The day was stunning. I never did go sit on the patio to work but did do my sun salutation there. It felt very appropriate. I might set up a little writing station out there over the weekend. About half of our snow cover is gone. What remains lies in wide swathes separated by golden-brownish streaks of damp, dormant grasses. It looks like the patterning of sand dunes or snow drifts.

The goldfinches have returned in large numbers. They are mostly still brown but there is a glow of yellow about some of them. The cardinals have started to make their spring calls. Young master L- says he caught sight of a fox at the edge of our yard this morning. Our chickens are greatly enjoying the opportunity to scratch through the old leaves. I can’t tell if they are finding any tasty bits of protein yet, but they are trying.

The stats:
March 9, 2006
47° 26°
Mar 9 Avg.
36° 18°
Monthly Avg.
39° 21°
60° (2000)
-12° (1995)
Month to Date
47° 16°
Waxing Gibbous
Sunrise: 6:36 AM
Sunset: 6:10 PM
Moonrise: 1:44 PM
Moonset: 5:32 AM

Mood Summary:
I took a very lazy day and it was good. I lounged in jammies for much of the day too. ‘Can’t do that too often but it felt nice on Thursday. I read a lot in lj, eventually catching up on my comments pretty well. At about 5:30 I pulled myself together. Within the hour I was clean and dressed appropriately. (I chose to wear my “writer’s blazer” for conferences.) I pulled my hair back severely and applied a touch of makeup. I picked up all the little messes in the household hot-spots and made everything look nice. I was doing a few dishes when R- got home. Young master L- had just left.

Note items for NLB list here:
Monday, Apr. 3rd - CLOGGING CLASS in F.L.!!!

Weather / Phenology:
Ch- lost another baby tooth today - one with a filling in it :) He lost one 2-3 weeks ago too. Prior to that, it had been something like a year since he’d lost any. He was just starting to think he was weird. It makes me realize how very young he is.

“Thunder Snow.” Starting sometime on Saturday, my weather page began to warn me that a snowstorm was heading our way. I had a hard time believing it until about 2 pm on Sunday. The sky was a bit darker than I’ve grown accustomed to in this last week. I hustled out to do some grocery shopping for the week. By the time I came out of Cub, sleety pellets were falling. Upon arriving home, I gathered my menfolk. We carted in the groceries, locked up the chickens and picked up a few toys and scraps that were scattered across the grass. Ch- fetched a sled-ful of wood.

The atmosphere was finally tipping its hand. I thought I heard a rumble of thunder but it was indistinct. The dusk felt expectant - much more like we were about to get a rainstorm than a snowstorm. We tucked into the house, thinking we’d battened the hatches appropriately.

An hour later, our alpha-cat, Toby organized a jailbreak. He can paw open the latch type handle of the door if the deadbolt isn’t engaged. Ch- felt a draft and went to check the door. Sure enough, the dog and all three cats had ventured out into the blustery night. Cursing and grumbling, we put on our boots and went out to try to find them. At first we didn’t see any of them. Then the “kitten” shot through the gloom on his way to a nearby tree. He climbed about half-way up the trunk, leapt down and then raced across the yard to scale another tree. Our fat-cat, who normally couldn’t be forced to wander so far as off the patio, was roaming the front yard when R- found him. Who knows where Toby ran off to?

All three cats had gone wild-eyed by the time we found them. I think the shifting, unpredictable winds inspired them. Though the dog had taken off, as he is wont to do when he’s not supervised closely, he responded to our calls and came loping toward us from the direction of the road. Toby too heeded our calls but we weren’t able to get the kitten or fat-cat to come close enough to grab them. They both stayed out for another half hour or so.

Mood Summary:
This could be a tough day but I’m trying to prevent a mood slide. Last week was not great, as best evidenced by my sporadic entries and, especially, my lack of daily scores. R- and I had something like a fight yesterday evening. The weather turned from spring-like to blizzardy over night. I’m still worried about my son who was all prepared to be “sick” today until he realized that the school was closed due to the weather.

phenology, my cats, msd/t, putterings, mood swing, about ch--

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