This is a reconstruction so it cannot be considered absolutely accurate.
Probably it wasn't a terrible week but the data is incomplete.
This week’s dates: March 6th -- March 12th.
Accomplishment, Average Daily Score:
(assuming that the skipped days were on the low side of low functioning)
Most Frequent: N/A Low: skipped 4 of 7 days High: 215 without a handicap
Health & Body, Average Daily Score:
Most Frequent: N/A Low: 1 High: 10
Work & Home, Average Daily Score:
Most Frequent: N/A Low: 15 High: 26
Mind & Soul, Average Daily Score:
Most Frequent: N/A Low: 8 High: 16
Menstrual / PMS notes:
Don't know.
Use of handicap(s) notes:
[30] for some weird stomach/tired/achiness bug [10] for gray damp weather and a mildly down mood (Monday)
This week:
Monday -
Low Functioning: 160 accomplishments, 301 health and body, 15 work and home, 108 mind and soul
Tuesday -
High Functioning: 215 accomplishments, 10 health and body, 26 work and home, 9 mind and soul
Wednesday -
Baseline Behavior: 205 accomplishments, 6 health and body, 21 work and home, 16 mind and soul
Thursday -
Estimate 140
Friday -
Estimate 140
Saturday -
Estimate 140
Sunday -
Estimate 140
Goal: Stretch out every day.
Incorporate harvest moon asana. Replace Curves’ stretches with yoga postures / add more yoga postures with the idea of developing a yoga practice that requires about 15 minutes.
Eventual goal: Incorporate two yoga routines into the day; one energizing & one relaxing.
M TWTh F St Sn
This week:
Sun Salutation -- working on flow and controlled breathing. I enjoyed my sun salutation most days in the week. I cant remember if I did it on the days without scores/putterings.
Goal: Take daily supplements.
(Bs, C, Calcium, Multi, fish oil & hormone balancing in the morning. Fish oil at night.)
day - M T W Th F St Sn
night - M T W Th F St Sn
This week:
Not well at all. This is one of those chicken - egg things. If I'm fine, I take them. If I take them, I'm fine.
Goal: Go for a daily walk of any length.
Post an accounting of that walk at
walking_rambles. Follow the fitness walking plan from The 90-Day Walking Fitness Program book. Consider also “Walking Yoga”.
any walk / post -- M T W Th F St Sn
any missed scheduled walks? Most
This week:
Went for a mall walk on Tuesday -- interesting. Went for another walk on Thursday but don't recall details. Might have been the walk in Anoka -- which I DO remember. After checking last week, I can confirm that this is the week when R-- and I went to Karaoke, left early, parked at White Castle and took a brisk 10 minute walk from the car and back. May have walked during the weekend but can't confirm.
Goal: Complete items from the NLB list,
Enter highlights from this week into this space. Print new set of high priority tasks for next week.
This week:
We checked off several items. I think this is the week when we bought the little chainsaw.
Goal: Clean my house weekly using home tending I & II, found
Clean on Monday and Tuesday, according to plan.
This week:
I'm intentionally skipping it this week. I feel like I'm a day behind even without doing the home tending.
Goal: Put my hands and mind on our financial situation 2wice each week.
Update on Wednesday and Friday, according to plan.
This week:
Don't remember.
Goal: Tend my animals (beyond basic needs) and my gardens weekly.
Work outdoors on Thursday and indoors on Friday, according to plan.
Th F
This week:
Pretty sure I was fairly good about keeping everyone fed and watered but that's about it.
Goal: Paint for 30 minutes a day, five out of seven days each week.
This is a home-improvement goal, not an artistic endeavor. I want to paint all the woodwork in my house semi-gloss white. I have a lot of cheap-looking, dark brown woodwork.
M T W Th F (St Sn)
This week:
Good idea gone missing. Didn't do it at all.
Goal: Make time for romance and fun with my husband, especially on the weekends.
Keep Saturday-night “date-night”, one way or another. (Out or in.) Give or receive a massage every Sunday.
This week:
This was problematical. We did have at least one date ... and I seem to recall spending quite a bit of pleasant time with him. Everything went to hell -- all out of proportion -- on Sunday night. Massage night involved an argument, lengthy painful discussion and no resolution.
Make time to connect with a “special-child” weekly.
Mail, prize, call, visit, etc.
This week:
Make intentional connection / fun time with my son weekly.
Outings, games, school visits, entertaining his friends intentionally, etc.
This week: R-- will be able to attend conferences with me on Thursday.
From Wednesday on, this week revolved around my concerns about Ch--'s education. We took him to his G&T class where he had a much more relaxed and enjoyable time. We learned about "assets" required by children to grow in the most healthy, well-rounded manner possible. I found that I'm middling-good about providing assets to him and to the children of my personal society. I found that Ch--, and M--, lacked for things that I cannot provide. (Or, in some cases, choose not to provide.) After his class, we went to The Red Balloon Bookshop and had a lovely time.
Go on an artist date weekly.
Take time for myself, away from the house, in order to gather inspiration and energy. People watching, shopping in fun little places, writing at a bar / coffee shop, walking in unusual places -- all those sorts of activities count. Going out with a friend or taking care of practical errands does not.
This week:
I tried to have an artist date while M-- went to her therapy appointment but wasn't particularly successful. The time frame was too tight and to short. I shopped. I did find soy candles from Method (my pet brand) that made me happy.
Support my writing practice daily.
Read from an inspirational or instructional writing book. Cruise markets. Write a fan letter. This stuff can be small but I want it to become consistent -- second nature.)
M T W Th F St Sn
This week:
I made some efforts in this direction but can't recall details.
Write one “from scratch” piece each week.
Choose an interesting lj post, a writing exercise, an intriguing market or an unusual observation for inspiration. Write 500-1500 words on that topic. Then tag it "resting words" and set it aside.
This week:
Was too busy obsessing over education issues and my disconnect with my husband. I wrote but not enough and not well. There's nothing there worth tagging.
Submit one piece of any length to any market.
Mine lj tag "resting words" or "prompts & germs" for a piece that can be polished and sent out. As time passes, and rejections come in, incorporate re-submissions. Keep them moving.
This week:
Work on keeping score improvements and refinements every week.
The eventual goal is to gather a set of wonderful guinea pigs that will provide feedback about the system. I will create personalized tallies for said guinea pigs until R-- finishes the self-generating aplication.
This week:
Wrote back and forth with Woggie about this -- his words were quite helpful.
Use my own tally daily. Gather daily results into a weekly check-in so that I can track moods more effectively and easily.
This week:
Good start, bad finish ... and next week is even worse. (But I'm getting ahead of myself.)
Spend some time with my crafts and/or scrapbooks every week.
This week:
I knit. I researched fingerless gloves, sorted my yarn and made two of the simplest cuff-type gloves.
Note progress on other goals like:
Going back to clogging at the start of the next session.
Getting R- out for karaoke. (Took him out.)
Moving smoothly into the more social phase that is probably coming.
Arranging for major purchases like a fridge and a truck.
Making household improvements.
Developing muscle tone, esp. in arms.
Developing a meditation practice.
See also Monthly Check-In here.
Routines Link to Wren’s Keeping Score Tally